Please purr for my baby

Hi, MomKatt Laura here.

Please purr for Selina. I've taken her to the vet Fri. afternoon and this morning. She's got a bacterial infection - she's been throwing up & "off her feed" since late Thurs. evening. They've pumped her full of antibiotics as of this morning, taken X-rays which, fortunately, showed nothing that she might have ingested. They did bloodwork this AM - her white cell count showed the bacterial infection; she's gotten antibiotic shots (the one that lasts for about 10-14 days), sub-q fluids and something else that I can't think of right now 'cause I'm so addled. She's on bland food (baby food, canned chicken), and I'm to offer her nothing until later today; emergency vet said Blue Buffalo wet would probably be OK if she'd eat some. She's pretty low - we're keeping a close watch on our one-eyed baby!

I'm not really thinking in or speaking English well right now so I hope this is fairly coherent.  Hopefully in the next few days, she'll be back to her old nut-job self again.  Believe me, she's had us both on our toes.

Laura & Gary


  1. We are so sorry to hear about Selina being so sick and are sending our best purrs and very, very gentle headbutts and a squillion kisses to be shared by you all. We are hoping she is clawing her way back up to fitness and will start to feel much better very soon. Take care.
    Luv Hannah, Lucy and Mum Sue xx xx xx

  2. I am purring lots for Selina! Tell her we are all thinking of her here and want her to get better soon!

  3. Sending lots of healing purrz! Hope I don't run out with all the sads on the CB. C'mon, Selina, let's get over this thing so we can have a spa day.

  4. Sending you lots and lots of healing purrs, such a sweet girl!

  5. We're purring and keeping our paws crossed that the antibiotics kick in soon and Selina starts eating soon. Keep us updated!

  6. Oh my goodness dear Selina, we are all sending you the best purrs we have sweetie. I sure hope the all better finds you soon.

  7. Lots and lots of big purrs, gentle woofs and neighs from France. Get better soon, Sweet Selina.

    Everyone at The Poupounette

  8. We are purring and praying for sweet Selina. Get better soon, dear one.

  9. Healing purrs for Selina. We are so very sorry to hear she is ill.

  10. OMC! We are purring and purraying for you very hard, Selina! Feel better soon. XOXOXO from all of us at Prancer Pie.

  11. Please get better, sweet Selina! We're sending our purrs and prayers and our love. xx

  12. oh no - we are sending LOTS of purrs for a quick recovery....

  13. We are sending you lots of purrs Selina to soon feel better.

  14. We're sending along our strongest healing purrs for Selina to get well very fast. At least you know what is wrong, and have the remedy. It's only a matter of time until she's her old self once again.

  15. Oh, dear. We're purring loudly for Selina. We hope she starts feeling better really soon.

  16. Still sending lots of love, hugs and purrs for sweet Selena xox

  17. Selina, feel better soon! Harley and I are purring our very best for you!

  18. We are purring very hard for Selina!!
    We hope the drugs work on the bacteria.
    We have our paws crossed!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  19. Poor Selina. She must feel miserable. Sending hugs to you and purrs and pawtaps to Selina.

  20. We're sorry to hear that Selina is not feeling well. We are purring for her...and you too because we know how moms worry...and hope she is feeling better soon.

  21. We're sorry Selina is feeling poorly. Sending major healing purrrrrss and purrrrayers.

    Hang in there, Selina, and eat a little, OK? Everyone will feel better if you do.

  22. I'm sending purrz and paw pats from Savannah of Savannah's Paw Tracks and her Mom who's on holiday and couldn't comment herself.

  23. Sending LOVE & PURRS to darling Selina.
    There will be a post for her up on the Cat Blogosphere on Monday.

  24. Mega purrs and prayers going out to sweet Selina.

    The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

  25. Dear Selina, we are sending you our mega purrs and prayers for your good health and for feeling better ASAP and for all to be resolved quickly with ease.

  26. We came over from the CB to send sweet Selina many many healing hugs and gentle purrs. We hope hope hope she gets better soon. Take care

  27. We're sending Selina lots of pawhugs and soothing woofs from our pack. Hope you feel better soon, purrrrrrty girl!

  28. Selina, we sure send you tons and tons of purrs in hopes that you will be feeling better really soon. We have told the donkeys to cross their hooves for you too. You sure are in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated.

  29. Deew Selina
    I am sending you my healing smoochie kisses to get wid of that infection and get back to youw wondewful bouncy self again
    Soochie kisses

  30. Many and many PURRS and PURRayers coming her way. Those black kitties are very, very special.

  31. Lots of purrs and prayers coming your way, beautiful girl. Please get well asap!

  32. Mommy Cat here: I love your little girl and I did NOT know she was sick as I haven't been here to help Katie very often. I am so sorry and yes, Katie will purr and I will pray for her safety. Give her a warm kiss for me please.

  33. we are purring, and Tipp is purring extra hard for you Selina. Mom is sending her reiki love and purrs to you and your family that all will be well.
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  34. We is purring extra hards for Selina.
    Sanjee and tha resta tha House of tha Mostly Blak Cats
    and mah duk George

  35. Sending tons of purrs and hugs to Selina and to Mom and Dad. You will get tons better really quick and be back to yourself in no time!

    Luf, Us

  36. Sending plenty of purrs to our furriend Selina! I would come and snuggle with her if I could! I hope she will be better really soon.
    The humans send hugs too. Keep us updated.

  37. Please feel better soon Selina...we're sending positive thoughts and kitty purrs to you and to your Mom and Dad at this difficult time,
    Karen (Mum), Tasha & Buddy

  38. Selena, we are sending you big fat rumbly purrs to help you feel better soon. Our ape is sending your Mum a hug too.

    Gerry, Mungo & The Ape xx

  39. We will keep the lovely Selina in our prayers.

    Oskar & Pam

  40. Oh sweetie-pie Selina...we're sending lots and lots of really good purrs.
    Katie & Glogirly

  41. I am sending along prayers for sweet Selina! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  42. All of us are purraying for Selina!


    Tigger Angel and Family

  43. I remember reading about Selina, at Brian's Home, when she was Faith, and living day by day at the country club. I was very happy when she went to I've with you. I hope that Selina will recover fully and have years and years of joy and health with you.

    1. Thank you Bellen! I'm going to try my best to see that she does!

  44. Guys I cannot thank you all enough for your comments, purrs and concern for Selina. I just posted an update on her condition. Thank you so much for loving my little one-eyed thang!

    MomKatt Laura

  45. selina...manee purrz two ewe, yur week oh end sounds eggs act lee like mine....if ewe feel az bad az me; we both knead ta go out for sum drinks N getz drunkz.....

    sauce of fishbone

    1. Oh no! MomKatt & I are very sorry you are sick! What is wrong? Please let us know how you're doing ... are you still on Catster? If so you can write me there!

      Purring for you! And your meowmy!

    2. selina...noe...we iz knot at de "C" place noe mor...we leeved bak in june N thanx bee ta cod we did.....

      me hada WBC of 45.38...whoa.....N me canna shake me fever...temp iz 104...eye due knot want foodz ore waterz..major infectshun goin on....eye had sum blood in me kidneyz....N rapid weight loss....came bak frum de vetz yesterday N dee sided ta haza "toss me cookies session" ....

      thanx mew for de purrs...eye trooly can use em

      sauce of fishbone

    3. Sauce, is there some way we can exchange Email addresses? I don't want to do it here but I DO want to keep up with what's going on with you.

      I'm so sorry about all this! Sounds like you ARE in a pickle and I know your meowmy is VERY worried. We are purring very hard for you sweetheart!

      Selina & MomKatt Laura

    4. thanx mew veree much....

      lotz oh love from me N me mom,

      we will sneek over ta de "C" place N see who ewe noe that we new for emails...


  46. Sending lots of get better purrs and hoping Selena feels better soon.


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