Hello. I'm in a box. Don't I look thrilled? Meowlo, Peeps! Once again, the Typist has been neglecting my blog but I must say she's got a pretty good excuse ... well several really. First of all the REALLY important thing is that today is both my birthday AND my Gotcha Day!! And it's DadKatt's 57th birthday (he won't know I revealed his age here 'cause I won't tell him)! Despite her writing slackness, I love my MomKatt - can't believe I'm five! 2011 was my magic year - that's when I came to stay here! Four years have flown and I've been happy and massively loved ever since I arrived. Now ... the OTHER news. Here she is *rolls eyes*. Yes, ANOTHER one. Actually, she's not bad. Her name is Nutmeg. This is her "pitiful" look. I think she's patented it. I think the innate tortitude-ness shows right through here, don't you? She's pretty alert and LOVES pipecleaners! She came t...