

I think today I'll write about two of my siblings, Livia, a blue Abyssinian, and Feisal, a ruddy Abyssinian.  Here are pictures - the first one is Livia.

Livia is as sweet as they come.  She's a Blue Abyssinian, 11 years old, with beautiful green eyes and a shrimp-colored belly.  All she wants out of life is to eat and be loved on constantly, 24/7.  She's never unhappy, always up for petting and lovins and rarely meows.  She's got big ears, too! (I understand Abys are supposed to have large ears set far apart on their heads.)

This is Feisal:

You may all recall I mentioned a "villain" in my household?  Well, Feisal is it.  He's 10 years old.  He stalks me.  He doesn't like me much and I don't know why.  I hiss at him just like I hiss at everyone else but he will come upstairs DELIBERATELY to find and harass me.  We've been in a couple of full-on screaming matches in the last 2-3 weeks especially.  MomKatt tells me that some days, he doesn't feel well.  He has IBS so I can understand why he might not feel good but, really, like MomKatt says, if you don't like me, why do you keep trying to hang around & bother me?

Do ya'll think he's got a crush on me or something?  I mean, I can totally understand that:  I'm black, sleek, gleaming.  Or perhaps he's intimidated by my one eye?  After all, he's never seen a uni-ocular kitty before.  I bet he thinks if I am looking at him, I'm putting the "evil eye" on him or something!  MOL  

But Abys are very special kitties and MomKatt loves them both very much.

Now, Feisal's and Livia's breeder sent the link below to a wonderful video of a little Aby kitten whose start in life wasn't as optimal as he might have wanted:


He's a three-legger now, just turned one year old and, like me, despite a missing limb, nothing stops him, nothing holds him back and he has a lot of love to give.  A furever family opened their hearts to him (and I must warn you hoomans to get a Kleenex before you watch the vid - he's massively cute!) and took him in and he's now living the life of Riley.

All this is to meow (and I should know) just 'cause a kitten or cat isn't "perfect" (all legs, both eyes) doesn't mean you shouldn't adopt him/her. I  know I'm preaching to the choir here, but it bears repeating over & over.  Us "imperfect" kitties (yeah, OK, puppies too MOL) are actually MORE perfect  because what we miss in a limb or an eye we make up for in love and spirit.

So celebrate little Ajani Tut's recovery from the loss of his leg, his new home, his love & life, and any other "special needs" kitty you might know or have in your furramily.  You're so lucky to have that kitty!!  I know my pawrents feel lucky to have me and I'm certainly lucky to have them!

PURRS! & peace out, ya'll!


  1. It was sure nice to meet some of the others in your family sweet Selina. Hey, that Ajani is so adorable and very special too, he sure is one happy dude!

  2. Selina
    It is great to meet your kitty family.

  3. What a wonderful video, Selina - thanks for telling us about it!

  4. Hi Selina! We bet Feisal will come around with a bit more time. We will have to check that video out once Meowm is home and has access to lots of tissues.


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