It's FURRY FRIDAY!  I'm ready - are you?  I'm going to have MomKatt my prisoner (mwah ha ha ha) for at least part of the weekend!  I'm going to be helping her post eBay auctions!  (I take it she doesn't want me walking on the laptop keyboard while she's doing this but of COURSE, I must supervise this enterprise ... whatever eBay is ... guess I'll find out, eh?)

I shall continue catching everyone up on what I've been doing since I got here this weekend but, in the meantime, you can check out my sisfur, Morticia, just before Mom&DadKatt went to Richmond, VA, for the DEVO concert awhile back.

 Does she not ROCK?




  1. Morticia looks as though she chose her outfit to please the mancats.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. For those not acquainted with Devo, "back in the day" they wore these flower-pot type hats and one of their hits was called "Whip It"! (Thus, the hat & whip ... MOL

    A co-worker of one of Morticia's Catster furriends did the pic for her!

  3. Morticia looks fab. We love her name and wonder why Mom was not more creative with all our black cats!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  4. Selina
    Morticia looks devo-licious!
    Happy Friday.

  5. Morticia is a real fashion plate. Have you meet Daisy the Curly Cat yet? She is a professional model and she has a cute brother too.

  6. So happy you are enjoying your new home, staff and fellow felines.

  7. Does she not ROCK?

    She is DEVO!

    The Girl U Want.

    We don't have a clue what our Dad is talking about, but he says he was (still is) a big DEVO fan.

  8. I love the Devo Diva picture of Morticia, rocks she does!

  9. Brian, thank you!

    MOL to the Lee County Clowder!

    Artemisia, MomKatt is furriends with Daisy on Facebook but we didn't know she is a model. For real????


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