*wiggles on into the blog, singing to herself*  I'm just a wigglin' fool ... oh ah'm a wigglin' fool ... I wiggle on Monday ... Then I wiggle onTuesday ... and as for Wednesday ........

Oh, HAI!  You caught me wigglin' - it's what I do best, but ESPECIALLY on Wednesdays!  So, I'm naming my Wednesday entries "Wiggly Wednesday"!

My furriend, Athena, chose me as a Kreative Blogger, and picked me to play a game.  I'm now supposed to tell five things about myself.  So let's see here ... 

1.  Well ... I WIGGLE!  A lot!  I'm just a squirmy kinda gal!

2.  Teasers!  I love 'em!  All kinds!  Any kind!  Just dangle it in front of me and I'm anyone's!

3.  Hissing - It should be an Olympic sport - and I'd be the captain of the USA Team HISS!  (Well, I'm still doing it to my siblings, to my MomKatt's regret, but not AS much as I have been.  She told DadKatt the other night she thought I was "tapering off".  Pffft!  I showed her this morning:  I hissed at Morticia in the upstairs bathroom litterbox this morning while she was trying to do her little poop - just because I could!)
4. My fur, if you look closely at it, has more brown in it than that of any of my black sibs.  It's very shiny, too, so in the right light you can REALLY see the brown gleaming through.  *preens delicately*

5.  I LOVE the top of our living room cat tree.  In fact, I've taken it over.  And when MomKatt approaches it to pet me, if I'm not up there already, I LEAP up there in a single bound (yes, like SuperCatt!) and that's where I prefer to be petted.

Yesterday, I met THE VACUUM.  And I can tell you, I don't like it!  It's so LOUD!  Naturally, I high-tailed it upstairs when MomKatt used it to vacuum a spot in the living room carpet.  I'd heard it from upstairs before but never SEEN it - it's a monster.  Do ya'll hate vacuums, too?  Why can't they make a cat edition, which would be quieter?

Anyway, why don't ya'll try some wigglin' today, huh, in honor of Wiggly Wednesday?  It's good for what ails ya!  *wink wink*


PS - I meant to post something yesterday, but MomKatt & I couldn't think of a word starting with "T" that would be appropriate to call my Tuesday posts.  Humm ... tomorrow is Thursday ... I hope that doesn't pose the same problem!  Later!


  1. Selina we don't like the vacuum either - we usually go down the garden until it goes back in its cupboard!! We'd make a good pair Selina cos mum says I (Lucy) an very wiggly too!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Most of us have gotten used to that evil vacuum, but Sister Dolly still doesn't like it! Congrats on your very first award!!!

  3. Brian,

    Thank you! :) :) I tried to post the little piccy that was on their page, but it didn't work. Oh well ...

    Oh, MomKatt still wants to get together w/your Dad to "spruce up" my page a little! At his convenience, of course!

    PURRS! my furriend!

  4. I loved getting to know you better, Selina! I hate the vacuum, too!

  5. ^5s Athena! I'm loving getting to know you, too!!



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