Well, here we are again at another Wiggly Wednesday.  Where DOES the time go?  At least, that's what MomKatt constantly asks:  she should be a cat, we don't tell time and don't care, really.  

So what have I been up to?  DESTROYING THINGS!  Well, not really "destroying" as in breaking things into pieces, just marauding objects upstairs such as trash cans (a METAL one in the upstairs bathroom - oh, you should HEAR the "CLANG!" it makes when I push it over! MOL! MOL)

And there is this HUGE white shower stall in the upstairs bath - have I been having fun with THAT!?  Did you know, you can hide in it and LEAP OUT at hoomans or - better still - other kittehs when they come up to it?  The trick, though, is that the tub/shower is white, and I'm black so I'm easily seen ... however, MomKatt showed me a "shower curtain", the lining of which goes in the shower and curtain itself goes outSIDE the shower ... so I can hide either in the bathtub or just outside it and behind the curtain and LEAP out at Morticia or Peppers and scare the beejeezuz out of them!  MOL MOL!

It's SOOOOO much fun!

Where do YOU guys hide & leap out at hoomans/cats from?  I need some fresh ideas - they're "on to me" now, so I need to devise some other hiding spots.  I'm learning now not to be in the bathroom EVERY time someone comes wandering in there (leaping out into the bedroom doorway from around the corner of MomKatt's desk is great fun, too).

The key to surprise is - inconsistency!  

So ... go do some Wigglin' 'cause it's "WIGGLY WEDNESDAY"!  And tell 'em I sent ya!


PS - Just for grins, and to indulge my sense of "irony", I'll leave you with a decidedly UN-wiggly Peppers, my 20-lb brofur ... I need to learn to do that actually but ... I can't stop wiggling!!!


  1. That sounds like an excellent leaping place! I do my striking from under the bed (UTB) -- right at the ankles!

  2. Oooo! I heard THAT! (MomKatt says if I'd only go INTO their bedroom, I'd find that spot, plus a whole lot MORE, to put in my "pounce arsenal".)

  3. When Binga was a kitten, she used to ambush my human and her boyfriend by attacking their faces in the morning while they were still asleep! My human says this is not "recommended." I say my human is a spoilsport.

  4. Oooo Sparkle! How brave Binga is! Faces are HARD! Peppers, my brofur, likes to try to sleep on DadKatt's head and pretend he's a hat.

    He has an active fantasy life, that one ....

    OTOP ... hoomans need to breathe, I suppose, so I can see the "not recommended" bit ...

    Still ... :)

  5. Oh you sure do have fun leaping! We're really not leapers here, we're more into dash in front when they're walking!!!


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