LAPS! Rediscovered! And my brofur ...

Well.  Good news on the lap front - at least we think it is.  I came downstairs, after MUCH coaxing from MomKatt, last night to recline in her lap for nearly 2 hours before she & DadKatt went to bed!  My nemesis, Feisal, behaved himself for a change and stayed in his Siamese Rescue "Millie" bed and did not interfere with me, even when I crossed from the sofa to hop onto the table in front of the window & check out the birds.

But, in leaping from the cat tree to MomKatt's lap/sofa initially, something weird happened and I fell on top of Morticia, who was in the heated cat bed next to the easy chair in between the tree & the sofa!  I was really sorry - I didn't mean to scare the fur off of her. 

It just wasn't her night - later on, Peppers dislodged her from the same window seat that I had been on watching the birds eat Oliver's dry food from his bowl on the porch.  Poor Morticia ... 

MomKatt hopes to get me back into her lap tonight while she reads.

Feisal *is* pepping up, thank you ALL for your concern and thoughts about him.  It's the Pred.  It really keeps him going, we think.  I'm just glad *I* don't have to have that stuff rubbed in *my* ear every day!  Ick!

Oh, by the way, I drug my rabbit-fur-covered (no worries, it's fake) giant purple mouse into my water bowl yesterday - and DROWNDED him!  Just to show 'im!

Selina the predatory 


  1. Glad Feisal is doing a little better. That Pred is amazing stuff. It has kept our old kitty alive for 5 years now.
    Good job Selina but the purple mouse in the water bowl. And also, good job sitting in Mom's lap. You have come a long ways. Take care.

  2. Hi Marg! Thank you! I think I have, too! Especially since April, when I arrived here! (MomKatt wonders if she'll find the mouse drownded again tonight when she comes home. Hee hee! I ain't sayin'!)

  3. We are pleased to hear Feisal is doing better. Sending more healing purrs his way.

    Playing with mousies is so much fun, glad you discovered the joy of drowning them.

  4. Oh, laps are divine! We don't drown our mousies; p'raps we'll have to try it out tonight. More often they disappear under the dryer to marinate in the dust.
    HURRAH for Feisal doing better, we'll keep him on our purr list.

  5. I am very glad to hear that Feisal is doing better too. Oh my, sounds like y'all had an interesting night. Enjoy that lap time sweetie!

  6. Selina, so you drowned your mousie. We've done that too. We thought they could swim!! We're glad Fiesal is doing better...we are purring that he continues to improve.

  7. Selina, I haf nefur drowned a mousie! Maybe I should try it! Glad you are getting lots of lap time -- I think lap time is the best! I'm glad to hear Feisal is feeling better and I hope he continues to improve.

  8. You mean your human sat still for TWO HOURS!?! Can she give lessons to my human? My human is as fidgety as you seem to be, Selina, and I could not nap on her lap even if I wanted to!

    P.S. Thanks for letting us know Feisal is better!

  9. We're so glad Feisal is starting to feel better. And that you got to sit on your human's lap for two whole hours! Laps are the best, aren't they?

  10. MOL Sparkle! At night she's usually pretty tired from her job and her run (she runs after work these days 'cause it's too hot at mid-day to do so). So, yeah, she's pretty willing to curl up on the couch, esp. if I want lap time!

    And thanks to everypurr for their good wishes for Feisal. He continues to ... what's the word ... he keeps on keeping on, does that make sense? He's not been TOO pesky the last couple of days but we ALL know THAT could change in a New York minute. *sigh*


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