Mondays are my LEAST favorite days of the week.  I get used to MomKatt being here for two days, then BANG!  It's time for her to go to that "work" place again.  I can tell she's not happy about going, too, anymore than I am about her going.  Oh well ... I guess it keeps me in kibble.  (But I don't have to like it.)

Well, I got MORE lap time last night!  But I have to be vigilant, even there; these other cats want to get in MomKatt's lap, too, but when I'M there, this is NOT happening.  Livia started walking between the front of the sofa & the coffee table and I STARED at her the entire time.  I mean I never took my eye off of her for a SECOND.  Then, she tried to be all smart, and get on the BACK of the sofa (maybe she thought I didn't know you could do that!)  HA!  I've not only gotten on the back of the sofa myself, SHE isn't as quiet and stealthy as she thinks she is.   I WHIRLED around in the lap and flattened my body down and STARED back at Livia, as if to say, "I know where you are and what you're trying to do!"  She had the TEMERITY to growl ... AT ME!  I wasn't about to abandon my position to attack, in case she squeezed in there despite my best efforts, but I let her know I was (A) watching her like a hawk and (B) not about to yield my position.

Other than that, I love MomKatt's lap.  Of course, though, I didn't come down 'til about 8:30 PM, and by 10:00 PM, she and DadKatt were nodding off on the couch but I was not showing any signs of wanting to get up!  MOL!  MomKatt said, "I wish you'd come down here & done this earlier!  I've been here all day!"  (Sunday is her "movie day" so I've got to learn that there is a lap available nearly all day on Sundays & take better advantage of this fact.)

Well, I hope my blog peeps all had a good weekend ... and I got a catnip banana this weekend, too!  Though MomKatt said my reaction was an "anti-climax". I mean, yeah, I bunny-kicked it & hugged it, etc., but she thinks maybe I'm still to young to really enjoy da nip.  Maybe ... we'll see.  (But those other cats BETTER not drool all over it - they can get their OWN bananas!)

Peace out, peeps!

Selina the Slinky Lap Hog


  1. You've got to guard that lap, Selina! Sounds like you did a good job!

    That's what my brofur and I do wif our catnip banana too -- bunnykick it and hug it. Somecats slobber all ofur theirs, I know, but we don't. I guess efurrycat is different!

  2. You are such a fun gal Selina, and yes, those laps are fun!!!

  3. Oh Selina! You are such a good guarder-of-laps. I knew you first as Faith and hope blogger finally lets me post here. So happy you have your own MomKatt and DadKatt.

    Laura and Taffy


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