It's Tuesday, and this is my sisfur, Morticia's day to be featured on my blog so ... here she is!

She looks a bit disgusted, doesn't she?  MOL  Probably tired of MomKatt holding that cell phone camera in front of her (this was taken yesterday morning) and taking piccys of her!  But they have a very special relationship, those two, so I doubt she's too upset.

Anyway, back to ME now ('cause it's all about ME y'know *wink*).  I went on a late-night "Marauding Pawty" last night!  The carnage was awful, as MomKatt discovered when she came upstairs to attend to me & scoop my litterbox this morning.  Let's see ... I wanted something to read so I'd pulled some books off the bookshelves, nearly getting them into my food/water bowls ... the blanket that Uncle Bill sent with me, and which MomKatt kept to cover her purple ottoman in my room, was pulled COMPLETELY off of the ottoman and partially stuffed into my water bowl (I got wrapped up in it the other day and was rolling all over the floor in it, bunny-kicking it & trying to free myself.  MomKatt just LAUGHED at me!), I'd knocked the trash can over AND knocked her old portable cassette player/radio off of the windowsill!  HA HA HA HA HA!  I was BAD but I had to DO it!  

I mean, you all DO realize that the FULL MOON is this coming Friday??!!  I'm getting in PRACTICE!

So do any of you guys do weird stuff before/during the coming full moon?  Especially with Black Beauties, I think, cats are OBLIGATED to get crazy once a month.  I'd love to know YOUR "Moon Stories".

Stay tuned for more mayhem! 


Selina the Destructive

PS - Here's me (or, well, here's my BUTT!), sticking up out of the stair basket again, looking for yet another toy I batted into it:  hee hee!  Aren't butt shots the BEST! MOL! MOL!

PPS - Also???  MORE LAP TIME LAST NIGHT!  I'm getting BOLDER!!!!!


  1. Sounds like you have been doing a great job keeping Mom katt on her toes!!! We like your butt picture!

  2. Aww thanks! MomKatt says it's a solid little black behind! MOL! MOL!

  3. Hey, there is nothing wrong with redecorating if that strikes your fancy! We often move things more to our liking, including books and blankies...and sometimes lamps!

  4. Last weekend, I saw that chewing on the zipper to MomKatt's big Weight Watchers carry-all (it's about the size of a book but zips up on three sides) was something fun to do! She wouldn't let me! Can you believe?! So I pushed it off of the closed laptop when she wasn't around!

  5. Selina, we see you keep your mom, and your kitty siblings, on their toes. You're a feisty one...We like that!

  6. I like your style, Miss Selina! Nothing wrong wif a little redecorating! My mama has noticed that we get a little wild and crazy around the full moon. Mostly in terms of chasing each ofur around.

  7. Selina we are enjoying your blog Sweetie. When you are the new Kid on the Block you have to let the others know who's boss.
    Mom is going to observe us more this week, to see how we do around the full moon.
    Bow Tye & Furs

  8. Aunt Mary, I'm so glad you're following me! Give my best to Bow Tye and the Furs!


  9. Artemisia, you BETCH! *winks*


  10. Selina, you should have called us! We woulda come over and helped you maraud!!


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