Morning Peeps!

Well, it's " 'Ticia Tuesday" so here is a picture of my sisfur, Morticia, all tucked in her carrier & ready to visit far-flung places (i.e. the vet - which she HATES):

Isn't she beautiful?  Her fur is so glossy - almost as shiny as mine is!  She's small, though, like me, though her body is more cobby, whereas I'm slender & reedy.  But she's quite svelte and any mankatt would be proud to have her (but the handsome Hudson claims that privilege - here's their wedding picture, I hope I haven't shown this yet):

He's got his tongue out - isn't that funny?  MOL  He's like my DadKatt - a bit irreverent!  

Morticia really *does* want to be my friend, I think, and lately I've not been hissing at her as much.  She & Peppers, my other black kitty sibling, both come running as a "posse" whenever Feisal starts bugging me.  It's kinda funny that they do that, but MomKatt thinks they are trying to, or wanting to, protect me.  Of course I CAN take care of myself but ... it's nice to know I got back-up.

Otherwise, 'Ticia sometimes hangs around in the hallway outside my room.  She's quiet and doesn't bother me, usually just tucks herself up in that same position as she's in in the carrier picture and quietly ... is.  I'm growing more used to her - I even pass her WITHOUT hissing sometimes!

She must think little sisfurs are a pain in the patootie, too - 'cause I go into the upstairs bathroom in the mornings when 'Ticia is using the litterbox and stare at her.  I know she wishes I'd go away or drop through the floor or something at times like those!  MOL Then MomKatt usually comes in & shoos me out of the room and ruins my fun but, naturally, I come right back, so she ends up picking me UP and taking me to the ottoman, where she tries to hold & distract me with pettings, etc. until 'Ticia's finished her business but I squirm away & run to watch again!

Such fun!

Peace out, ya'll, and have a GOOD 'TICIA TUESDAY!



  1. You have a great day too Selina! I hope all goes well with your beautiful sister!!!

  2. Aw, we all need a little privacy when we're using the box!

  3. Faith - I think you need to give 'Ticia her space. She seems to give you yours, girlfriend.

    Taffy and that woman

  4. "That woman" ... hee hee! I ought to start calling MomKatt that ... no, maybe not. MOL!

    Aw heck, I'm just playing! But apparently, Peppers sometimes waits for her downstairs outside the room w/the litter box and ... MomKatt wants me to give her a break ...


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