Boy, am I talented! Hee hee!

I had a HEAVENLY weekend and I hope all my peeps did, too!

MomKatt's told me I'm a VERY talented girl:  not only can I destroy an entire house in 5 min. or less (well, potentially, she said) I apparently have GREAT kidneys!  Why, you ask?  Because I spent a HUGE amount of time both Saturday AND Sunday downstairs on the sofa with MomKatt (and sometimes DadKatt, too - they watch movies on Sunday) just snoozing and snuggling and sleeping and NOT going to the box!  MOL  MomKatt said I must have a very impressive bladder. MOL!

Aren't you glad to know that now?  Hee hee!

I really loved it, too.  I mean, the pawrents are gone to their work so much during the week and I miss them when they're gone, especially MomKatt.  I love all OVER her when she comes home.

DadKatt had to separate me & Feisal on Fri.  We were in what he called a "cat ball", going at it hammer & tongs.  Scared MomKatt we were screaming at each other so loudly.  Funny, I know he's supposed to be really sick & everything, but you couldn't prove it by me!  He certainly gives no quarter when he comes upstairs to bother & pick fights with me!  (But I don't ask for any, either, and give as good as I get!)  

So apparently when they're gone now, they're closing my office door to keep me safe.  They don't want either of us hurt (but of course, I'M more concerned about my own precious ME!) so ... oh well, I'll nap a lot during the day and I've got SO many toys to beat into submission (this banana is particularly offensive and obstreperous) that I'm never bored.

But, boy, am I glad to hear MomKatt's voice about 5:40 in the evening!  I know she'll soon come upstairs to rescue me!

Also?  I let her carry me downstairs yesterday to be PUT on the sofa - I knew where we were going & I didn't mind one bet!  I let her!  She considers that progress.

Peace out, ya'll!  And have a good Monday!



  1. Carried downstairs and put on the sofa - do you need any more residents at your house Selina - please put us on the waiting list.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Silly girl, don't be picking on the Brother Feisal, he doesn't need the stress! Just enjoy the sofa, it's much easier that way!!!

  3. Brian! How dare you! I NEVER pick on Brofur Feisal - HE picks on ME! Can you blame me that now, if he comes within spitting distance of the sofa when I'm on it, I hiss & spit at him to let him know to GO AWAY! But, stupid boy, he doesn't then we get into trouble ...

    I tell you HE provokes all conflict!

    Hannah & Lucy: MOL MOL! Yes, the service at my house *is* quite good now that I think about it! But I don't always come down of my own accord, you know (again, that Feisal is the cause!), so MomKatt yesterday said she was going to "intervene".

    I guess that means "pick me up & carry me". If so, please do intervene more often, MomKatt! MOL


  4. Sounds like the sofa is your special spot wif MomKatt and DadKatt! Me too wif my mama. Aren't Sundays the best?

  5. Well, it's probably good that you and Feisal are kept apart when you can't be snoopervised. Then Feisal can't pick a fight with you!

    Enjoy your sofa time with your MomKatt!!

  6. Poor baby Selina. Since Feisal isn't feeling well, he's probably extra cranky. Stay where you are safe - in MomKatt's arms or in your special room. That way no one gets hurt.

    Laura and Taffy

  7. You sure are lucky to have a special room of your very own, Selina! Glad you are enjoying sofa time with MomKatt and DadKatt.:)

    Purrs for Feisal to feel better soon.


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