Feisal is going to the Bridge today at 9:30 AM

Hi guys.  I'm letting MomKatt speak today.  It's a sad day at our house.


Hi all,

I am taking Feisal to Dr. Lofgren this morning at 9:30 to help him on his trip to The Bridge.  It's been a very hard week for us, and this has been a very hard decision.  Gary & I are both devastated but we know it's the right thing to do.  I've only told a very few people prior to today, so please forgive me if some of the following two paragraphs are familiar to you.  Most of you don't know the latest.

Simply put, we've run out of options.  We fought, and we've lost.  As of Tues., he was on the new chemo-type med for two weeks, and Dr. Lofgren had told me when he prescribed it for him to call & update him at that point as to whether it had had any positive effect on his poops or anything and ... it hasn't made any difference.  If anything, he looks worse and he acts as if he feels worse.  His hip bones are sticking out, though he's eating everything I give him, and I'm willing to bet he's down from the 7 lb mark he was at two weeks ago.  He is finding it very hard to sit down comfortably and watching him "go" just tears my heart out.  It LOOKS painful.

Dr. L says the longer this goes on, the more he's convinced we're dealing with intestinal lymphoma and not IBS.  But Feisal's father (Parvenu) had it & was put to sleep at age four (he strained himself so hard his colon popped out, so Mike immediately took him to the vet to be euthanized because, at that point, she realized there was nothing that could be done to help him.)  Feisal's already outlived Parvenu by 6 years & I don't want something similar to happen to him.  It's not the quality of life my boy deserves, nor the one I want for him any longer than necessary.   We've had 10 good years together and I have to be happy with that.  And I am ... but you always want more.

So, at 9:30 this morning, please spare a thought and some purrs for us both.  My girlfriend, Jo Vereen, is meeting me at Dr. L's (Gary, my husband, can't go - he's so swamped at work he just can't) so I don't have to do this by myself.  I've promised that Feisal will say hello to all your Bridge kitties and, of course, I know Torrie & Kukla are up there waiting for him.

Thank you for all your support throughout this, your Emails, thoughts, prayers, purrs, etc.

I know how generous everyone is in these cases and, if you are so moved that you want to do something in his memory, a donation to Siamese Rescue would be a nice thing to do.

The lines of my favorite W. H. Auden poem keep running through my head this morning:

"He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good."

He had a good night last night, he got some of his favorite Wilderness Chicken gooshy food this morning and he's getting a LOT of love nearly every minute otherwise.  His Aunt Stacey came by last night to say goodbye (thank you again, Stacey), and ... his voyage with the Ferryman will be as gentle and easy as I and Dr. L can make it.

Safe journey, my Wild Man.  I'll be there with you 'til the last bloody minute, my hand on your body, my voice in your ear, my scent surrounding you.  I love you so much.


  1. We are so sorry to hear this sad news but it is the kindest gift you could ever give to Feisal.
    Thinking of you all.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. We are so sorry and are sending soft purrs, purraying for his gentle and merciful crossing to the Bridge.

  3. We are SO very sorry about this....no matter the circumstances, it is never easy to let them go. We purring for all of you and know Feisal will be greeted well at the Bridge.

  4. Oh we are so very sorry. We know this is not an easy decision to make, but you do it out of love. We are purring for all of you...and for Feisal, that his journey will be peaceful.

  5. My thoughts go with you. This is the hardest act of love we humans ever have to commit.
    Godspeed, sweet Feisal.

  6. Sending snuggles and purrs and hope your memories help fill some of the Feisal-shaped hole in your hearts.
    It is a difficult decision to make but knowing it is the right one will help in the days to come.
    Kitty kisses,
    Taz, Runt, Charles and mommy, Anna, in Illinois

  7. I am so very sorry to hear this. My human knows how painful it is - she has been there twice before.

  8. I am so, so sorry to hear this news. My mama knows how difficult a decision it was to make and how hard it is. Kit and I are purring our best purrs for your family.

  9. Lots of purrrs and prayers to you!! We are so sorry to hear of Feisal going to the Rainbow Bridge!!
    Your TX furiends,

  10. So sorry, Laura and Gary, for the loss of your loving boy, Feisal. Your choice to help him to the Bridge was made out of love, so he wouldn't suffer any more. He knew he was loved and you gave him a good life. We know that he left a Feisal hole in your heart, that will always remain. Run free, Feisal!

    Hugs and purrs to you and your family at this sad time,

    Laura, Taffy, and (both 2010 angels) Jet and Venus

  11. We are going to miss Feisal so much.
    You did tha right fing fur him, but it's so furry hard.
    I maked a memorial grafik fur him on the Cat Blogosphere.
    Sending you lots of soft purrs and head bumpies.

  12. We just heard. We're so sorry. Letting them go is painfull, even when you know it is the right thing to do.


  13. We're so very sorry to read this and to know Feisal has already passed. It is a very hard decision to make and we know you did all you could to love and care for him while he was with you. Purrs and tail wags.

  14. We are so sorry for your loss. We know it's a hard decision to make, but we know our humans do what is the best for us. RIP sweet Feisal. Comforting thoughts and (((HUGS))) to your family.

  15. We are so sorry for Feisal's crossing over. It sounds like it was time though. This is a very difficult time for you. Many purrs and purrayers and hugs to you.

    Luf, Us

  16. We are so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your beautiful boy.

    The Chans

  17. We are sending you love and purrs. We are so sorry you have to do this for Feisal, but it is the kindest gift you can give to him.

    Fly free at The Bridge sweet Feisal

    Gerry & Oliver

  18. ML: Thank you for that lovely memorial graphic. MomKatt saved it on the hard drive this morning.

    Thank you all for your kind words & messages ... Gary and I both appreciate them more than either of us can say. We're just very, very sad right now ...

  19. Hey all, I am so very sorry to hear about Feisal and I am so sorry I'm late stopping by. This post just popped up in my reader. We all send you many, many purrs and hugs. Selina, hug that MomKatt really tight for all of us.


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