FURRIDAY - Vet Report on Feisal

Hi peeps:

Well, I promised a report on Feisal, who had to go to the vet today.  It's not really good news, but it wasn't anything surprising to MomKatt, either.  Here's what she's written on her Facebook "Notes".


Dr. L just called & here's what I have:

Feisal was last there in May of this year, and that's when he lost the 4 lbs going from 11.8 to 7.8.  Dr. L says today he's down another 6/10 of a pound so I guess he's right about 7 lbs at this point.

Dr. L said that, in examining him, he saw nothing "really obvious", no abdominal mass or such, but that his intestines felt a little "thickened".  He also said that the likelihood now that this is cancer is "really high on the list" (his words) (as opposed to IBS or IBD).

He also noted, without my prompting, that Feisal really seemed "different" - "grumpy, withdrawn, indifferent".  He told me that Feisal was just sitting all hunched up in the cage they had him in, whereas (though he admitted he hadn't seen him as often as he's seen some of our other cats) when he's seen him before, Feisal would be curious about his surroundings, meowing, moving about the cage, etc.  Not today. His volunteering THAT observation kinda hit me directly because that's what we are seeing at home.  And he wasn't surprised that, in that frame of mind, he was taking it out on one or more of the other kitties. 

At this point, Dr. L. said he thought our options were these:

1.  Stay like we are and just go until ... ??  What?  We don't really know;

2.  Make a decision to put him to sleep today (which he does not feel we have to do, thank goodness); or

3.  Try adding Azathioprine to his regime as an oral liquid (which has to be compounded but they can put it in a tuna or chicken-flavored mask that we can add to his food).  This is a chemotherapy-type compound which might possibly improve the diarrhea but which has the side effect of causing possible bone marrow suppression problems, something which concerns Dr. L. because that can lead to anemia, among other things.  It's more risky than the Pred but he said if it DID help to improve his stools, we'd gradually start reducing the Pred.

I told Dr. L I thought the best thing to do right now was for me to collect him this afternoon & take him home and Gary & I discuss this over the weekend, and I'd get back with him on Monday as to what we wanted to do.  I feel good about taking that route first and I'm thankful I don't feel I have to make any decision RIGHT NOW.  That was what I was really dreading.

I'm Googling this medicine, too, and reading up on it which I feel will help.  I'll see Dr. L when I pick him up this afternoon.

So ... that's where we are.


So I guess I'll purr for my annoying brofur but I *know* MomKatt appreciates any purrs & thoughts you send.

Quiet purrs,


  1. We're all purring for your Brother Feisal too. We all send hugs to MomKatt, we know how stressful these things are.

  2. We're continuing to purr for Feisal. And have lit a candle for him. Sending healing energy to you all. I know this is so hard for you all.

    Laura and Taffy

  3. We're continuing to send purrs to Feisal and to your MomKatt too. We hope he's not in pain--we cats are so good at hiding it, since we'd be eaten if we showed any weakness in the wild. :-(

    Wishing you all universal Light and Blessings.

  4. Many many purrs for Feisal, and for you, MomKatt.

  5. I wish there was better news. I am purring a lot for Feisal.

  6. Kit and I are purring for Feisal and MomKatt. My mama knows how hard it is to haf a sick kitty, and she sends her love and support.

  7. Big purrs and prayers for Feisal, and hugs to you MomKatt. This must be so very difficult. :(

  8. Just wanted to let you know I haf been thinking about you.

  9. Athena, all:

    THANK YOU! Your support's meant a lot to MomKatt & all of us ...



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