Furry Friday

Hi Peeps!

I'm so sorry I haven't written lately.  I guess you've all been wondering if I've fallen off the edge of the litterbox!  MOL  No, I haven't ... but it's been a little crazy around here & Mom&DadKatt both have been having rough days at their jobs so she just hasn't had time to type for me, and has been very tired when she's gotten home.

Regarding Feisal, the news isn't encouraging.  On Mon., the 22nd, it'll be two weeks since he's been on the chemo-like med, and that's how long Dr. L said to give it before calling to check in with him to see whether it had made any difference in his poops - either in frequency of going/feeling like he has to go or in consistency/texture.

I'm sorry to report that there's been no change.  He only missed two of his doses since they started him on it but, other than that, he's taken his med and he's trying so very hard.  But nothing has changed - in some ways, MomKatt feels like the poops have gotten worse (but admits this could just be her perception during a stressful week).

She & DadKatt talked about it this morning and it seems like they're going to complete the course of the medicine, with her calling Dr. L Monday morning to report to him what's going on, then ... neither of them see anymore options available for my poor brofur.

And this morning, he didn't act like he was having a good day - he was in that bread loaf position in the kitty bed again, very quiet, very still.  Just NOT his usual self.

MomKatt told someone she felt like judge, jury & executioner - but the irony is that Feisal doesn't know what's coming and she does, and it's just tearing her up.

So ... I wish I had better news to report.  I'm still attempting to come downstairs more often.  I *do* like to snuggle on the sofa in MomKatt's lap but I was naughty night before last because I love those pull cords on the window blinds but MomKatt YELLED at me for continuing to mess with them even when she told me to stop AND took me off of the window!

And Morticia's 6th "Gotcha Day" was yesterday - there's some good news!  She & MomKatt celebrated with HAM!, which is 'Ticia's favorite snack food (she isn't known on Catster as "The Haminator" for nothing!)

Note:  MUST get her to sneak me some.  I must try this "ham" about which she's so crazy.

Anyway, I hope ya'll have had a good week & that things are well with all my peeps & their furramilies.

Have a good weekend everypurr.  More news when there is some.

Subdued purrs,


  1. We are so very sorry. Mom has been there and no matter what the situation or how bad it gets, there is just this guilty feeling of "what if?" But we as the people have to be strong to make sure the kitties don't suffer. It is just so hard.....

    Concats to Morticia and we hope she slips you come ham.

  2. Yep, we all know how tough things can get with the little ones we love so much. Never, never, never is it easy. Happy Gotcha Day to sweet Morticia though, ham is always in order!!!

  3. Morticia thanks both of you for the good wishes. :)

    Random - MomKatt has only had to take one of her babies to be PTS (shudder) once and he had FIP and was clearly near death, so it was "easy" (relatively speaking) to do what was necessary, though she cried her eyes out for days afterward. (He was her first ruddy Aby boy, Kukla, and he'd just turned one year old. FIP sucks.) But this time ... it's like any cancer patient - you have bad days and good days. I think she's just got to steel herself; she says it does no one, least of all Feisal, any good to see him suffering so badly just to poop and then producing either nothing, a few splotches or pools of yucky liquid, then go to his cat bed and sit there looking like death warmed over. (Yes, some days HAVE been like that.) Then there are days, like earlier this week, where his eyes have seemed brighter, he is still following her around on the kitchen counter, nibbling at the kibble, following her around the kitchen, etc. (Not to mention zooming upstairs to bother ME.) But I guess those days are slowly getting further and further between one another ...

    I mean, she KNOWS this isn't going to cure him, but she & DadKatt were just hoping it MIGHT improve his quality of life and extend it for a LITTLE while. Still ... ten GOOD years is a good amount ... but you always want more ...

    *Curls up in a ball & ponders these things*


  4. We are so sorry to hear that the medicine doesn't seem to be helping Feisal. It is never easy making that "decision" but we know you will do what's best for him. Purrs to you...

    And happy Gotcha Day to Morticia!!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that Feisal isn't getting better. This is the hardest decision a pet parent has to make, for sure. I know you will do what's best for him. I'm purring for your whole family. Happy Gotcha Day to Morticia!

  6. I feel so awful for Feisal and for your humans, Selina. I wish there was something else that could help him, but it sounds like your humans have looked into every option. :-(

  7. Sorry your brofur isn't doing well, Selina. A cat on my devon elist has just had good results taking Pred/Amoxi/Flagyl and a week ago started
    Vibramycin liquid. He is is positive for Mycoplasma haemofelis. This may be why he is
    anemic (47,000 WBC) and lost so much weight. He probably has Small Cell Lymphoma instead of IBD. He is eating like crazy, has not had diarrhea since last Weds, and looks better. Yes, he is now on a low ingredient diet Natural Balance Duck and Green Pea. A novel protein diet sometimes helps in cases like Feisal's.
    I'm sharing this in case something may help Feisal. What is he eating? They were close to PTS before this. Hope this helps.

    Happy gotcha day to 'Ticia and you keep on truckin', Selina.

    Laura and Taffy

  8. Hey there good lookin! Aren't our sleek, shiny black coats the best?! I think so. I'll be back soon.


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