
Hiya peeps!

While fixing his breakfast this morning, my DadKatt walked past me as I was sitting on the end of the kitchen counter and said, "I heard that squeak!"  MomKatt, who was eating her breakfast at the table, asked, "She squeaked?" and DadKatt said, "Yes!  It was cute!"  Sitting down, he continued, "Y'know, she doesn't do those 'RRAWWWOOOOWWWO!' meows much lately!"  (Before I had the run of the entire house, and my home was MomKatt's upstairs office, I'd let out a loud, high-pitched and LONG meow in the mornings when MomKatt came upstairs to open the office door and scoop my litterbox.  It always made her laugh.)

Now, MomKatt just laughed.  "She did those 'cause she was so glad to see somebody after being on her own all night!  Now she doesn't have to 'cause she's running the place!"  (It's true.  I *am* a pretty social kitty, and I love being around the pawrents.  I gotta keep my eye on 'em [Get it?  Keep my eye on 'em?  MOL MOL]  Oh, I crack me up sometimes!)

Anyhoo ... 

This past Monday was the one-month anniversary of my brofur, Feisal's trip to The Bridge.  As the title of this entry in my blog says, there have been a LOT of "ch-ch-ch-ch-changes" around our house since then, most of them having to do with ME!  I've COME OUT!  I'm all over the place.  I'm discovering my new identity as Explorer Kitty - and I take as my example Morticia's boyfriendkitty, Hudson!   He's named for Henry Hudson, the famous explorer, and his Catster page says that, if he sees something, he has to "sniff it and poke at it"!  When I saw that, I thought, "That's a good philosophy for me to adopt!"  So I did!

I'm also getting better with other kitties.  My Uncle Bill, in one of his phone calls to MomKatt to check up on me, speculated that I hadn't been around other kitties much in my short life and that perhaps I didn't quite know how to act around them.  (Thus, all the time I spent hissing at any cat that came into MomKatt's office which, frankly, I regarded as MY territory.  You can understand why, I'm sure.)

Oh - the office is now Peppers' bedroom once more.  Before I came, that's where he slept each night because, if he didn't, he'd beat and bang on the pawrents' bedroom door/doorknob all night long & they'd never get any sleep.  

Here's a "Blast From the Recent Past":  me in my old office/cave, on the purple ottoman, taking a bath:

Uncle Bill might recognize what I'm lying on - it's the Polarfleece that came with me when MomKatt picked me up in Charlotte!

Another change?  I've GROWN!  Well, not so much "grown" as just filled out, gotten even MORE sleek and I've turned into a very compact and muscular little feline.

So any mankatts out there looking for a gorgeous kitten that can do calculus in her head (but, alas, can't write it down), look no further ....

Selina the Genuis



  1. Hooray Selina, I knew you would be all out n' about eventually and you are one cool kitty fur sure!

  2. Why thank you, Brian! You're pretty suave yourself! ;-) I hope you & yours are doing well - my MomKatt sends hellos to your hooman!


  3. Oh, Selina, you are very beautiful, and every bit the genius! So happy you have a great life now.

  4. Selina, that's awesome that you are coming into your own! I think you needed a whole house for your spirit to come out.

  5. Sparkle, I think you're right! MOL That one room just wasn't big enough for the entirety of ME! (giggles)

    Ikaika, thank you! Me, too. Now that my life is secure with my hoomans, I can start developing that planetary observatory I've been thinking about ... After all, I only need ONE EYE to look through the telescope, right?

    Selina the Scientific

  6. Selina, hooray for getting to come out and explore! I'll bet you will have lots of fun adventures.

  7. Selina, we are so happy that you are coming out and exploring more!!


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