Me & 'Ticia!

Well, here's what Morticia & I did most of the weekend.  How 'bout ya'll?

She's in the top bed, I'm in the one below.

We hope ALL of you had as relaxing a weekend as we did!



  1. Weekends are made for relaxing cos all the midweek relaxing leaves us tired.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. We had a great weekend too, lots of whiffs n' naps!

  3. Here's what I did, Selina - I mentioned you in a blog post!

  4. That looks like what we did here, too! :)

  5. Sparkle: We subscribed to your blog! And thanks for mentioning me & my story! MomKatt says that if that helps someone decide to adopt a "less than ... " (gee, I don't like that phrase, do you?) then even better! :) :)

    I understand that peeps sometimes have, especially nowadays, tight financial situations that won't allow them to adopt a kitty with issues that *would* take a lot of money and care, etc. But someone like me? Or just a 100% healthy BLACK kitty?? No excuse, matey! No excuse! ARRRRGH!

    And I didn't know that torties were the second-hardest to adopt! How sad! Why is that? Because they have such "distinct" purrsonalities?

    Honestly, the ideas some PEEPS get ... it's enough to make you spit out your Fancy Feast!


  6. Hello Selina, we remember you from when you were Faith and Brian told us your story. We didn't know you had your own blog (we read about it at Sparkle's) how exciting!!! We're following you now and look forward to reading all your adventures :-)

  7. Selina, I see you are in position, just below the Queen . . . Seriously, peeps can be so silly about coat colors or other "non-issues" You are a great example of a spectacular kitty, including your black coat and one eye! Who wouldn't love you?

    Taffy and that woman

    Laura here: I must be weird - my fav cat color is black, 2nd fav tortie! (Though I don't discriminate - the WHOLE cat is what's important.)

  8. Pee Ess: I forgot. I be Dread Pirate Kidd. Ahoy thar matey!

  9. Kizzie did a similar thing, as usual at the weekends. Wish I could do too.

  10. Taffy and "that woman" (MomKatt always chuckles when she sees that ... MOL) ... you are, of course, right. Who WOULDN'T love me? I mean really ... LOOK at me. MOL!

    Cat - WELCOME TO MY BLOG & thanks for following! Hope I keep it interesting for ya!



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