Wherein, Selina encourages her creative, but dark, side ...

Now, I'm sure you've all heard that phrase about "art imitating life", right?

Well, see what you think:

Of course, being the creative kitty that I am, I had to put my own "spin" on it, but I *was* inspired by Basement Cat.  (And, really, who can resist a nice, piping hot unfrosted Blueberry Pop-Tart, fresh out of the toaster?  MomKatt tells me they are delicious with butter melted on them.)

Also? I wish to note that I was hanging out at OUR toaster a couple of days BEFORE Basement Cat posted HIS picture at http://icanhascheezburger.com/.  So, technically, I already knew that toasters were cool and I *could* sue for intellectual property rights or idea theft or whatever ... but hey, it's Basement Cat.  He's cool.  So I won't.

ADDITIONALLY ... note that I have my front paws well-folded under my chest.  Mark my meow - we're headed for a COLD winter, folks.  MomKatt says my brofur, Feisal, sat this way for the last two years and both winters were quite cold. 

Now, same thing, but from a slightly different angle.

And don't be fooled by that  "heavenly" light above my head.  Pop-Tarts *are* evil ... but, MomKatt assures me, SOOOOOOOOOOO good.


Anyone for a Pop-Tart?

Tempting purrs,


  1. mmmmm - we have heard of these pop tart things but mom won't share.....

  2. I've not experienced them yet. MomKatt's been on something called "Weight Watchers" since last May, and she says they are forbidden to her just now ... but that she might "treat" herself to one (or two) very, very soon - she's lost 33 pounds & thinks that might be a suitable "reward" once she's hit the 50-lb loss mark.

    I will, of course, be supervising the toaster if/when this happens ...

  3. I think Basement Cat was copycatting you, Selina!

  4. Do they make catnip flavored poptarts??!?

  5. Humm ... you know, I don't know if they do! Probably not (these companies cater to hoomans almost exclusively, y'know). But they SHOULD! Purrhaps we should lobby ......



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