Have any of the rest of ya'll discovered hooman things called "Shoo laces"?  If you haven't, you NEED to.  Like, now.  OK?  S'risly.  They are THE most fun things EVER.

Like this morning?  MomKatt was sitting eating her breakfast and NOT paying attention to me (as if a silly old book by some guy named Michael Shermer was more interesting than ME?  NOT!) so ... I grabbed her ankles w/both paws & set about nomming and pulling these "shoo laces" on her tennis shoes. 

"Selina, stop it!" she said, trying to shoo me away with her hand.  Yeah, like THAT'S gonna work!  NOT!  "Will you get AWAY from my damn feet, you crazy kitten!" she protested. 


I dug in w/my claws and chewed and batted and flipped the laces even harder!  The ends have these great plastic tips that you can really use your back teeth on - plaque cleaners, I call 'em!

I paused in my sport for a couple of seconds, in time to see her look at DadKatt and hear her sigh.  "Children!" she said.  What?  WHAT?  I mean ... the coolest toys EVER and she doesn't want me to play with them?  Yeah, OK, I kinda scratched her calves but ... well you can't make an omelet w/out breaking eggs, right?? 

And ... well ... SHOO LACES!  Get some of your very own ... NOW!  Before your hooman starts wearing loafers.



PS - This is me, tellin' ya to GET SOME SHOO LACES!


  1. We are so delighted you had such fun with MomKhat - it does them good to let the kitten out of themselves now and again. We think you should encourage more lace playing Selina - it will make you both fitter.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. hee hee...Selena, wait until night when the shoos are sleeping, THEN go get 'em! They'll be sleepy and all defenseless...

  3. NO! The pawrents have me there! They shut the bedroom door and I'M NOT ALLOWED!!!

    (Morticia sleeps with MomKatt .......)

  4. You think that is fun, try to be there when they are TYING the shoes - that is even more fun cause they are MOVING!!!!

  5. OMC! I didn't know you had a BLOG! I remember when Brian featured you on his. Love that line about "You can't make an omelet w/o breaking an egg." A classic.

  6. Yes, fun, incredible fun they are! I have one, but it's hiding under the couch!!!

  7. Hi Cathy! Welcome to my blog! Yes, here I am! MOL And I'm doing just fine. I love my new home and my new hoomans.

    Random Felines - I'm one ahead of you, I've already done that to DadKatt! He just ended up laughing at me & trying to move his feet! It was useless, of course!

  8. I love shoo laces! In fact, I love efurrything about shoes.

  9. Selina, I loves shoo laces! 'Specially the ones in my dad-guy's shoos...they are made of leather and I loves chewing on them!!


  10. I loved your comment about eggs and omelets, Selina! Around here, Binga is the shoelace queen - she has never met a shoelace she does not want to attack and kill!

  11. Sigh! That woman doesn't have many shoos with shoo laces. I think she's holding out. Maybe they're all hidden somewhere. I need to go on a shoo lace hunt. Glad you all are having such fun with them.

    Taffy and that woman

  12. Miss Selina You are the most wonderful cat ever. I have micro opthalmia (Mum says one eye didn't grow so good) and now I found someone who is brilliant, dynamic, brave and shoe lace feirce.

    Yours in admiration,

    Dash Kitten

  13. Meowlo, Dash Kitten!

    I just subscribed to your blog! You are awesome! And I AM fierce, that's true, especially about SHOO LACES!

    But I spared MomKatt's laces this morning - besides, she was doing too much moving around for me to catch them ... so I feigned disinterest! MOL

    Selina the subtle


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