Wow, been a long time gone!

MEOWLO PEEPS!  Betcha thought I'd vanished, eh?


In fact, here's me this morning, getting my nutrition in.

I was a little WILD THING this morning, but I had to stop to refuel, so MomKatt snapped a pic of me (it's one of the only times I'm still enough for her to take a good one with that crappy cell phone camera she's got!  MOL)  Don't you love the mouse-shaped pad our water bowl sits on?  And it's purple, too.  MomKatt's got a thing about purple ...

Let's see ... what's going on with me/us?  Well, things have settled down since Feisal's departure.  MomKatt's feeling better about helping him to the Bridge, and she & DadKatt are being treated to a completely topsy-turvy re-arranging of the hierarchy/pecking order (I'm very near the top now - inching ever closer).  I've endeavored, in my own unique and somewhat zany way, to distract them and make them laugh and, I'm happy to report, my margin of success has been quite good.  Even DadKatt, who didn't get much sleep last night past 1:30 because Peppers kept wanting in & out of the bedroom, was forced to laugh this morning as he sat, bleary-eyed & hunched over his bowl of mush (I'm told this is called "oatmeal" but I don't know any self-respecting cat that would TOUCH the stuff, it's all lumpy, ugh!).  I was attacking MomKatt's chair across the table from him, and defying gravity in that way that I have (MomKatt said I kinda looked like Earl the Dead Cat?  What gives?  Who's he and how long has he been dead?)  Anyway, she was referring to my body position, as I was lying flat on the chair with all four legs thrown out in an X-shape, holding on for dear life while she tipped the chair from one side to the other.  Must've been like being on a ship at sea - I didn't slip either!!  MOL MOL  It was fun - hey, MomKatt!  I wanna ride that ride again!

So, I'm SCIENCE KITTY!  Defying the laws of gravity!  Conducting experiments on how long a cat can hold onto a nice, textured dining room chair seat!  Soon, I'll be up there with Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer & Stephen Hawking with my discoveries - you just wait!  (They'll all want to read my academic paper on "Feline Astrophysics" - and I'll be happy to paw-tograph copies for all my followers here on my blog, of course.)

ANYWAY!  Lots to do!  Must fly!


PS - I *did* hear, and I don't go 'round spreadin' rumors, y'know, but they said it ... Mom&DadKatt were saying that Peppers was going to have to start sleeping upstairs starting tonight, that DadKatt couldn't take another night without sleep.  He's not going to like that.  He'll sing behind MomKatt's office door when they put him up there.  It's not gonna be pretty!


  1. Hey Sweet Selina, you'll be at the top rung of that pecking ladder before you know it!

  2. Hang in the Selina we know you'll be top cat before you can curl your tail.

  3. Hello, beautiful Selina! Happy to see you're doing so well!

  4. Selina, I'm sure you will be top cat furry soon!

  5. Hi ya, Selina! You're top cat in our book!!

  6. What a fun ride! Selina the feline astrophysicist - we'll be looking for that in the journals. So who is you competition for top cat? Whisper it so s/he doesn't hear.

    Laura and Taffy

  7. Laura & Taffy:

    Humm ... well ... *looks around*

    There isn't any really! MOL I mean, when Feisal was here, I guess you could make a good argument that it was him because he was so unaccepting of me. My sisfur, Livia (the Blue Abyssinian), should be Alpha Female because, apparently, Aby females usually ARE in a mixed cat household but Livia's pretty mild-mannered and if I even cock my head at her & give her stink-eye, she RUNS! And, of course, then I CHASE her! Morticia is on a level of her own - she's MomKatt's "soul kitty" and, while I chase her, I know she's in a category separate from the rest of us, so that does not bother me much.

    So I guess the post is vacant?

    But not for long .......

  8. Selina, we are so happy you are doing so well. :) We bet you'll be Top Katt real soon!


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