Your Thursday Tummy

No, sorry, peeps, it isn't MY tummy.  A lady such as myself does NOT show her goodies indiscriminately.

But my brofur, Peppers?  Ach, he doesn't have any discriminate, so ... here he is, fresh from ... this morning!

(Isn't he a hoot?)

In other news, I continue in my quest for SHOO LACES (I don't know why, but I like 'em in all caps like that!  I guess it reflects my PASSION for them!)  Also, this morning, I busily explored the gap between the kitchen floor and the bottoms of the cabinets, wherein I discovered spider webs and got some on my right whiskers (MomKatt cleaned me up - they're all sticky!)  I also love the 'fridge - specifically, when the pawrents open it, I want to get IN it!!  MOL  When it's not open, I hang around it a lot lately.  I'm guarding the food supply!  (Hey, if the hoomans don't eat, WE don't eat.  I know how this works and I'm just looking out for No. 1 here.)  

What ch'ya'll doin'?



  1. Don't the spiders webs make you sneeze Selina?
    luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Wait - so if Ivy spends a lot of time in that position, what does that make her?? MOL (don't worry, she may be a princess, but she isn't much of a lady)

    Beware the spiders.....and keep track of the fridge - that is Tommy's job here!

  3. Selina, I bet you are so much fun to live with!

  4. You sure are having some fun sweet thing!

  5. Peppers is looking adorable! It sounds like you haf a really great life sweet one, I am happy for you.

  6. Y'know, that Peppers does have a cute tummy...or at least that's what our mom says. Selina, you are are real character!

  7. Peppers is adorable! Selina, you sound like you're having all kinds of fun. How great is that! It got suddenly cool here, so staying warm is the plan. And more packing up to do. Sigh! Have a fun weekend - hope you find more shoo laces and do keep protecting the food supply.

    Laura and Taffy

  8. Peppers has a very nice belleh! You sound like you're having a great time there, Selina. :)

    P.S. - Moosey loves SHOO LACES, too!


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