Hi peeps!

I know I've not been around much, but I just wanted to wish you all a HAPPY HOLLOWEENIE!

Wait ... MomKatt's blithering to me ... what?  It's not a "weenie"?  It's what?


Oh!  My MomKatt has informed me that it's HALLOWEEN and that there is nothing "hollow" about it.  (Who knew?)  It also, apparently, does not involve hot dogs (but this COULD be changed ...)

Anyways, here's my sisfur, Morticia, whose pic is all decked out for our special day!

And please I know I'm preaching to the choir but DO be on the lookout for black cats tonight.  It's sad that some people are still SO stupid about us Black Beauties that they find it amusing to do unkind, cruel things to us.  I know NONE of my peeps would EVER do that, but they WOULD do all they could to help one of us.  MomKatt takes special care to watch for Oliver, our porch panther, on Halloween night, just because of the extra traffic from trick-or-treaters on our street ... :(  The increased activity usually keeps him away 'til all has died down by about 8:30 PM, but still .... she worries.  (You all know how MomKatt's are, right?)

We're special and DESERVE love!  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!  No tricks, just tuna TREATS!



  1. Happy Halloween - our house panther spends the evening under the bed! :)

  2. Happy Halloween to you - we are going to snuggle on mum's knee so she doesn't turn into a quivering wreck.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. I hope. you have a wonderful and treat-filled Halloween!

  4. Happy Halloween, Selina! I will be purring for Oliver to stay safe tonight!

  5. Hannah & Lucy: MOL! Is she a "scaredy cat" on Halloween?

    Sparkle: Thank you! MomKatt has tried (this was before my time, mind you) to get him inside but he wants none of it. He loves the porch & that's that. But she worries very much on days like this, and now, too, since it's getting colder. Thank you for your thoughts!!!

    Brian - thank you! I hope you guys do too! I heard MomKatt tell DadKatt she was getting us treats for tonight! I know she's not buying any candy, thanks to Weight Watchers, so it MUST be for us! MOL

    Random - one of my sisfurs, Sasha, stays under our bed during times like this. They just leave the porch light off & we're not disturbed. It's MY first Halloween here, however, so I wanna see what happens!


  6. Happy Halloween, Selina! We hope you get many, many treats (and no tricks)!

  7. Maybe you'll get a package of weenies for treats!!
    Happy Halloween! We'll be under the bed if you need us...

  8. Happy Halloween, Selina! Jet was an indoor only kitty so never a worry. I am concerned about my sister's fur baby, Inky, who insists on going out whenever he wants, has been know to back it up with claws . . .

    Laura and Taffy


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