I know it's been awhile ....

And I haven't forgotten ya'll!  Seems Fall is a busy time around our house ...

Well, let's see, what's been going ... OH!

OH!  OH!  OH!

HAM! is what's been going on!

I *knew* something momentous had happened.  Yes, I've discovered HAM! 

See, Morticia, my sisfur, is nicknamed "The Haminator" at our house because she LOVES ham.  She's been meowing about it, and about how good it is, ever since I came here.  But, until this weekend, I'd not gotten a chance to try some out.

Let me tell you guys:  IT IS THE BOMB!

Makes me drink water like a fool though.  MOL  MomKatt cuts up one slice of luncheon ham for 'Ticia as her special "treat" every now and then and, when she did it on Sat., I just made my mind up that I was going to get some!  So I marched right over & DEMANDED to try a piece!

Since 'Ticia already had her bowl of ham, MomKatt took another piece and gave me a little bit.  After about three seconds, I deemed it Nature's Most Purrfect Food and demanded MORE!  Then, of course, Livia the Pig horned in on things and wanted HER cut.  (Honestly! Is there ANY food in our house that that Aby DOES NOT eat?) Humph.  Well, we shared the piece and apparently that gave 'Ticia time to eat hers in peace (Livia always tries to bat at Morticia's tail from the floor - 'Ticia eats from her bowl on the kitchen counter - when she's eating her ham and, often as not, she gets disgusted and leaves without finishing, so MomKatt distracts Livia with ham - ergo, her prior knowledge of how divine this food actually is and demanding some of MY ham).

Siblings.  What are you gonna do?  Can't live with 'em, can't put 'em out on the porch (I can't reach the door knob!)

Cheers!  And here's wishing you lots of HAM! (I'll try to give MomKatt a pic of me eating ham so ya'll can see me in my porcine glory!)

Selina, H.I.T. ("Haminator In Training")


  1. You make it sound so yummy, but I. just never seemed to like it. If I run across any ham I will send it your way!!!

  2. YUMMY!!! We don't know about ham, but we have gotten turkey before and that is pretty awesome...even if you have to share....

  3. We have to agree, HAM is the best thing we've tasted, EVER! Pretty soon you Mom is gonna have to buy ham by the truckload, hee hee!

  4. My human only eats chicken and fish, and her boyfriend doesn't even eat chicken! So sadly, I have never had the the chance to try ham and probably never will. :-( You'd think my human would at least buy it special just for us kitties. Double :-(

  5. Selina, don't tell anybuddy but we don't like ham that much. Can you believe it??

  6. We agree with you, Selina. HAM is da bomb!


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