Lamentations! etc ...

OK ... honestly.  Be fair, peeps.

Yes.  I use my sisfur, Livia, as a punching bag/coursing trainer.  Can I be truly blamed for this?  I chase her, she runs away, I want to chase her more, so I do.  Isn't that what CATS DO?

Then I hear, "SELINA!"  This usually comes from MomKatt, and not in the voice she uses when we're cuddling on the couch - it's much louder and more exasperated-sounding.  

I stop & look at her.  "What?!" my expression says.  "WHAT?  What'd I do?  I'm just being a CAT!"  Meanwhile, Livia's escaped!  Foiled again!!!

And just LOOK at this:

These are the "man"katts I live with (and I use that term "man" very carefully).  What a coupla MARSHMALLOWS.  Look at Peppers - not only is the big lummox laying all over Sharif, Sharif doesn't even seem to CARE!  Do you think for a New York second that I would allow him to do that to me?  If you do, you've not been reading this blog long!  It's no wonder he weighs three times what I weigh!  They're both so slothful it's pathetic.

And then, EWWWWWWWWWW!  Sharif got down off the bed (probably disgusted) and BARFED all over the carpet!!!!!!  (MomKatt was NOT amused, especially since she was getting ready to head out the door for her work!)

I want to say, "Folks, it's simple.  I'M here to kick butt, take names and get you cats in SHAPE!"  Just like me!  I'm so sleek and athletic - I can't help showing off how good I look, how fast and stealthy I am.  MomKatt is trying to get Peppers to exercise more, and I'm just helping, see?  Of course she says that Livia doesn't need exercise because she's so skinny, and I agree, but hey!  Everycat's cardio system needs to be well-tuned, so it won't hurt her to raise her heart rate every now & then (OK, several times a day MOL!)  

Ya get old - ya get RUSTY!  And that ain't happenin' to me!

In other news, my Uncle Bill called last night!!  He really cares about me & misses me.  MomKatt said he said he came "that close" to keeping me!  But he's glad that I'm with Mom&DadKatt.  He's also still feeding another little black beauty at the country club.  Poor thing - but with him looking out for him/her, he/she will be alright.

I was sitting in the open (with a screen in) window the other day ... it's been so nice here lately that MomKatt opened all the windows.  And she came into the room & asked me if I remembered "outside".  Of course I do!  All those intoxicating smells, all those alluring creatures just ASKING to be chased & possibly eaten (chipmunks, squirrels, birds of all sorts but STAY AWAY from anything black & white with a fluffy tail!  MOL)

Oh, and MY litterbox (and they're all mine, you know)?  It MUST be 100% scooped before I'll DEIGN to place my paw, let alone my butt, in it!  I've been making this clear to DadKatt in the mornings recently:  this morning, I just SAT in the half-bath, between the two boxes that are in there, patiently waiting for him to come & service them.  

And, last night, MomKatt came into the dining room, and I was sitting in the middle of the dining room table, imitating a centerpiece, and looking directly at her with my one eye.  She started LAUGHING!  At first, I thought she was laughing AT me but, no, she picked me up & cuddled me & said she was laughing because I made her happy and because she loved me!

Well, that was all OK but I soon got wiggly and demanded to be put down on the floor.

But then we had cuddles on the sofa.  So that's cool too.

LATER Peeps!

Selina (the effervescent)

PS - It's amazing, really, how quickly I've established my total rule/dominance over the house.  It's only been about 5 weeks ..... :) :)


  1. Has it only been 5 We agree - kick butt and take names!!!

  2. Sometimes, things just work out. So glad you found your furrrever home.

  3. Random Felines - I know! Time's passed so quickly.

    Hi guys from Lee County! :) :) Me, too!

    Hope ALL of you guys are doing well!

  4. There is no doubt about it, you Selina, are totally in charge!!"

  5. Selina we are so happy that you are so well settled and in charge at your home. You are totally right about the litter box. We mancats have to rest up a lot, barfing takes up an awful lot of energy. Now if you can just lay off the chase with Livia please?

    Gerry & Oliver

  6. Sounds like you are keeping effuryone on their toes!

  7. Y'know Selina, judging from the other kitties in your household, I have to say that total rule there is probably not that hard to attain. I mean, those two boycats! They probably just rolled over and snored.

  8. Selina, those other cats didn't know what hit them when you came on the scene!!

  9. Everycat ... but ... but ... she's so ... CHASEABLE .... :) :)

    Athena - You betcha, cutie! ;-)

    Sparkle ... it's sad, really, y'know? I mean, Sharif has an excuse: he's O L D. (We're talkin' GEEZER here.) But Peppers? NO excuse. None. Bupkis. Nada. He's only 4 fer pete's sake!

    Island Cats - No, but they're finding out! MOL


  10. Sounds like you're doing just fine, Selina! Maybe you could give those mancats some exercise. You sure are training the humans well.

    Taffy and that woman

    Pee Ess: Trying firefox to see if I can comment. Nothing I tried on IE worked. Wasn't able to comment on Henry again either.

  11. Selina, it sounds like you've found great forever home. And it sounds like you are making sure everybuddy knows YOU are the boss! :)


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