Shameless nepotism

Well, folks, family really IS more important than ethics so, in the interests of continuing to have MY blog written, I'm sharing my blog space with MomKatt.  Yes, she's started her own blog - talking about people *I* certainly don't know anything about.  Anyway, she's a big history buff and all, and you already know she does some writing (she calls herself a "writer" but, as I meowed to her, and as she knows, "thinking about writing ... isn't writing").  So I take FULL credit (though I suppose that's selfish of me) for getting her back to the keyboard again ...

ANYWAY ... here is her blog:

She calls it "Henry II, the Writing Life & Me".  Right now, her intention is to blither in it about dead English kings.  She even thinks she might write something substantial about one of them!  Here is a picture of him (this Henry II):

(whispers) I think he looks like a playing card, don't you?  MOL MOL!

Mainly, though, she told me she wants to use it to help her get "unrusty".

So ... peek in if you want to.  I personally think she should do more research about famous medieval cats ... but I suppose the primary sources are rather thin on the ground.

Anywhoo, I hope all my peeps have a happy Saturday/weekend!

Selina (history's mew-se) (get it?  "Mew-se? Muse?"  Oh, I'm just on a ROLL lately!)


  1. Mum wonders why your mom chose Henry II as her first blog.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. She's obsessed with him, I think. IMHO it's unhealthy. But she finds him fascinating - he's the person she's been wanting to write a novel about. She still hasn't decided WHAT she wants to do - but her blog is gonna be a way for her to "work it out" ... you know?

    You guys must know him,then? Since you live over there?

    Selina (who wonders just how far this "pond" really is)

  3. Good fur your MomKatt, and I think you should help her with her research sweet Selina!

  4. My human wants to get back to her own writing too... I may let her, as long as it does not interfere with my jobs for her.

  5. Why, hello sweet girl! I did not know you had started a blog of your own till I read Brian's blog today! I remember your story and I am soooo happy you found a furever home with such nice Humans. I completely agree that cat research would be a MUCH more interesting topic than stoopid stories about boring Humans. They are really so sadly self-absorbed, aren't they? Sigh.

  6. How exciting for your MomKatt! We will check out her new blog for sure. :)


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