SO jealous!

Oooo!  I'm SO jealous of my good friend, Sparkle the Designer Cat.  *She* has her own CALENDAR!  Check this out!
I mean, HOW cool is THAT?

And how cool would it be for a one-eyed kitty to have a calendar, too, eh, MomKatt?  Like we could sell it & proceeds go to ... oh, I don't know, maybe some cat-related charity?
Humm???  HUMM???
Of course, MomKatt can hardly get a picture of me with her cell phone camera (which stinks) ... we'd have to enlist DadKatt ...

But Sparkle, you look MAHVELOUS!!!

Selina (who wants her fifteen minutes of fame, just like any other uniocular kitty!)


  1. Sparkle is so cool and her books are great!!! Yes, you could be a calendar girl fur sure!

  2. Selina, I totally think you should be a calendar kitty! Although I have to say, my human does an awful lot of work to put mine together every year - it's something of a commitment on the human end. Last year, I donated a dollar from each calendar sold to Rikki's Refuge. Not sure which organization I'm going to choose this year yet!

  3. Sparkle, I think that's SO cool of you & your pawrents to do - esp. the $$ contribution part! They must have a blast going thru your photos & deciding on which ones to include in the calendar!


  4. Oh Selina, I think you would make a wonderful pinup!

  5. We think you would make a great calendar girlcat!!

  6. We think your calendar would be GREAT, Selina!


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