It's Been Awhile!

But I AM still here, as these newest photos will evidence.  It was the full moon this week, and of course, I was RARIN' to go for a couple of days, moreso than usual!  (Chasing EVERY cat in the house, going crazy in general, climbing the backs of the dining room chairs ... MOL  Hey, it's my job to keep the pink monkeys I live with amused!)

So enjoy!  MomKatt is loving her iPhone camera!

I've missed you all!  Hope you've been well.  I've also been enjoying Daisy the Curly Cat's blog, and Sparkle's blog, as well.

Our "basement cat", Boudicca, has come upstairs, it seems, for good.  She's a good egg.  Doesn't bother me much.  I've chased her a few times.  She mainly seems to like hanging out in the hallway and she throws her back feet out behind so when she lays down.  DadKatt calls her "seal cat" when she does that.  MOL

This was taken last month.  She talks a lot, too. Kinda a yappy cat but nowhere NEAR as yappy as my other sisfur, Sasha.  She yowls outside the pawrents' bedroom door, starting at about 4:45 AM ... sheesh!

Well, gotta jet.  Hope my peeps have a great weekend & I'll not be away so long now that MomKatt's got a decent camera!



  1. I didn't realize it was the full moon this week - I was feeling frisky too!

    My human wants an iPhone, but she can't justify the expense right now (of COURSE she wants the priciest version).

  2. Selina! It's good to see you again! We had the crazies last week, too...that moon is really something.
    Um, what's wrong with getting up at 4:45 AM?

  3. Nice to see you Selina, and I'm glad all is well up your way. Hooray for Boudicca, that's is way cool!

  4. Oh yes, Selina, full moons are the most fun. I like to run up the stairs and down the hall and back again at top speed. Several times. Lately, I've been killing the purple feather toy that woman waves for me. Wish she would get a better camera. Glad that Boudicca (great name) has decided to be a main floor cat.

    Taffy and that woman

  5. Taffy,

    Yes, I chase Morticia up & down the stairs like that! We FLY! That cat, I must say, can CORNER! Even though she's older than me (hee hee ... she's actually 7 so she's not THAT old! MOL)

    DadKatt decided FOR Boudicca & brought her up to be here permanently; MomKatt says she just wants EVERYTHING to level out, with me coming in April, Feisal going to The Bridge in Aug., and now Boudicca being a new "upstairs" member, and for us all to learn to get along (mostly).



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