Manic Monday, Or "MomKatt Plays 'Teaser' With Me Before Her Work"

Yes, yes, I know.  Another shameless photo op - I know what MomKatt's thinking.  But ... it's Teaser Time so who really cares?

It was QUITE a busy Monday morning for me.  The downer was the pawrents had to return to their works this morning.  (MomKatt calls her office "The Gulag".  DadKatt's name for his place of work can't be put, I don't think, in a "furramily" blog.  MOL) 

Still, since his car is in the shop, and he had to drive MomKatt to work, she had to wait around while he got ready, so I got in some extra playtime!  Morticia isn't the only kitty at my house that loves to play "Teaser"!

HA HA!  Look at my back feet in this picture!  They're just GOING to town, aren't they?  All blurry!  That's me - "PURR-petual Motion", as MomKatt says.  "Boppity boppity boppity!" 

Then we went into the kitchen/dining room, where I played Teaser some more before I became fascinated with something at the kitchen window above the sink.  (Shhh!  MomKatt couldn't see what it was, and I wasn't tellin' cause she would've killed it or taken it away from me!)

I was "on the case", as they say in the crime films!

Then, to lull it into a false sense of security, I tried acting all "cool" and non-threatening ...

But then, in the end, I just got bored.

Plus, I had to remind MomKatt to turn off & empty the coffee pot before she left!

Then she decides that, though she despises this singer guy named Van Morrison, he apparently *did* write one good tune that she has adapted to fit me.  She sang:

"You're my ... one-eyed girl!" to me this morning!  Hee hee!

She says she's going to re-write the whole song to fit me when she has time ... we'll see.

She's VERY silly, my MomKatt.

PURRS! and all that stuff ...




  1. How exciting to get a song written for you Selina.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. You sure had lots of fun, and that song for you would be way cool!

  3. Hey Brian, Hannah & Lucy!

    Yes, the lyrics fit the tune purr-fectly, don't they?

    MomKatt can SORTA sing ... but we don't encourage it too much ... MOL!


  4. Chowing down on the green grass, out in the living room...there's a line for you!
    Selina, you crack us up with your antics. You are one BUSY kitty!

  5. Guys that's so PAWSOME! I gotta start taking notes!!!

    *grabs pen, then starts chewing on the end of it*

    Maybe THIS is why MomKatt can't ever write - I keep chasing the pen scratching across the paper! MOL


  6. When your human is done writing the lyrics, that Van Morrison human should re-record the song just for you, Selina!

  7. Wow, you're lucky to get some play time, Selina. Our mom has been waaay too lazy lately. We can't wait to hear the song your mom writes for you!!


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