Adventures in Household Mechanics!

Complaining about winter, are you?  Fed up with the cold drafts coming in underneath the doors in your house?

*I*, Selina, have found THE warmest spot in our house.  Now, normally, this contraption is pretty noisy (ours squeaks like a bag of 1,000 raging, cheese-crazed mice) but, when it's finally QUIET ... 

OH.  MY.  CAT.

This is THE place to snuggle.  MomKatt says it's called a "dryer".  I finally decided I was gonna check this thing out and, before MomKatt could pull the laundry out of it a couple of days ago, I SPRUNG!  

(NOTE:  DO NOT spring BEFORE the drying cycle is done, only AFTER.  Otherwise, you'll just end up on top of a pile of soggy, wet hooman clothing.  Ewww!  Trust me, you don't want "wet cat butt" - make that "COLD wet cat butt"!)

Anyways, first, I went WAAAAAAAY to the back, where I figured it was the warmest.

Then, I wanted to make sure that MomKatt knew I was in there & didn't shut that door on me!  Here I am, telling her:

Of course, I knew the *minute* she saw me in here, she'd get that flashy phone thing and - sure enough - she did!  But she told me I HAD to blog about this great household appliance adventure of mine, so naturally there must be a photographic record.  I didn't mind THAT much ... as you can see, I *am* something of a ham when it comes to a camera:

With all the initial excitement over with, and the nice, warm snuggly place starting to cool down just a tad, I decided to settle down & snatch a nap.  But I wasn't here long 'cause MomKatt was being, as usual, so goal-oriented (what's UP with these hoomans?  Can't they just be "in the moment" once in awhile?) and all anal about "finishing up" the laundry. I don't know why she was in a hurry - she was just going to go to the sofa to read a book!  MOL

 In the end, I wound up in her lap - which is THE warmest place of all!!

Hope all of YOU, my peeps, are keeping warm HOWEVER you like best these days!



  1. Me too wan´t a dryer to keep warm in !!
    Thank´s for the warning about when to jum into a dryer , in case we will get any :)

  2. Selina mum's lap is much better than the dryer cos you get cuddles and scritches as well as warmth.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. You always make us smile happy smiles Selina!

  4. Yes, there was not a "scratching arm" inside the dryer, Hannah & Lucy. Obviously a design flaw.

    I'll be submitting my suggestions for a re-design at a later date to the company.

    Meanwhile, yes, MomKatt's lap is MUCH better. The dryer is ok as long as it's got CLOTHES in it - but if it doesn't, it's really uncomfy!

    Brian, thank you! XOXOXO


  5. I get the feeling that your days of dryer diving may be limited, Selina! We aren't even allowed where the laundry is being done. Freshly dried clothes ARE cozy, though!

  6. We never got a chance to get in the dryer. Dad keeps those machines in a separate room with the door closed.

    We agree about laps, though. Anne Bonny is turning into quite the lap kittie, and Mary Read curls in once in a while.


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