My sisfur the thief!

Morticia has STOLEN MomKatt's new blankie!  Feisal's breeder gave her a new blankie this weekend for Xmas and 'Ticia has STOLEN it!  Here is PROOF!

Boy, she's got some nerve, eh?  MomKatt *was* going to use it on the sofa for when she & DadKatt were/are watching TV but NOOOOOOOO!  Miss 'Ticia put herself on it when it hadn't been in the house 24 hours and meowed, "Mine!" in that way she has!  (I really *must* start aping her technique.  She gets away with murder, that cat does!)

Of course, you COULD say, "Well, Selina, you're just cheesed off 'cause it's not on the sofa for YOU to lay on as it covers your MomKatt's lap!  You're not outraged about the theft of property, per se - you're just irritated 'cause you can't sleep on it!"

Well, I don't begrudge my sisfur a blankie, do I?  I mean, it's the X-mousie season, after all, so if I harbor thoughts like THAT, Santa Paws won't come, or else I'll get rotten treats in my stocking or something equally yucky.  But, yeah, I guess there IS some truth to that assertion - I *would* like to lie on it, especially that nice, fluffy white side that 'Ticia has availed herself of.  It looks warm & soft.

No, no. I mustn't covet what others have. 

But she's gotta get up to use the litterbox SOME time, now, doesn't she?

Plotting, plotting ...

PS - BTW have I told ya'll that Morticia's meow sounds to the hoomans like she's saying, "Me-NOW!"?  I'll tell ya, she's an only cat at heart, even if she does not outwardly act like one ...... 


  1. That does look pretty comfy.....maybe (??) you can learn to share....

    We are sure Santa will find you and we hope you have a great Catmas.

  2. Selina can't you lay next to 'Ticia and keep just inching over closer to her and slowly move her off the blankie and then stretch out so there's no room for her to get back on? The only way to get that blankie is by being devious.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Maybe you should have your own warm and snuggly blanket!!!

  4. Your blanket lookes just like the on my mom and dad have in my TV-sofa :)

  5. Yup, wait until 'Ticia goes to the litter then claim that blankie!! heehee
    Better yet, get one of your very own!! After all, anything the Mom owns belongs to the kitty ;) heehee
    Oh...congrats on your award!!!!!

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  6. I'm surprised that ME-NOW isn't part of Binga's vocabulary.

  7. Well, we think you got a pretty good idea there, Selina...she's gotta pee sometime...and when she grab that blankie and make it your own!

  8. We saw you at Sparkle's. Concats on the award!

    that is a nice blankie. If we were you, we'd nick it too!

    Come visit us? We're Malaysian cats: Au, Target and Guido.


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