
Well ... we don't know what to say today.  My dear furriend, Sparkle, was awarded the Liebster Blog Award, which in itself is VERY cool ... but on top of THAT, she listed your humble one-eyed blogger's mewsings as one of her favorite blogs!

I don't know what to say but thank you and I'm SO glad you enjoy what is written here, Sparkle.  I also hope that everyone else who follows my humble scribblings enjoys them, or that they at least bring a smile to your face, perhaps when you are really in need of one.  MomKatt says that *I* make her smile a great deal during only one hour!  (She laughs at me a lot - maybe that's a GOOD thing?  MOL)

So ... thank you my furriend ... I'm am truly, TRULY honored.  And I simply MUST take the time here to say that I think you're one of the most BEAUTIFUL cats in the Cat Blogosphere!

BTW here I am yesterday, taking in a REALLY awesome sun puddle ... 



  1. Selina, you are sure doing an excellent job of soaking up that sun puddle ... concats on your well-deserved award!

  2. Selina, that does look like a great sun puddle. That Sparkle is the best. I hope it brings you lots of visitors. We need to get her more ourselves. Take care and Merry Christmas.

  3. Congrats on such a beautiful award for a beautiful gal!!"

  4. Zoolatry, that puddle was SO warm!!! I couldn't resist its siren call.

    Marg, you are welcome ANYtime!

    Brian, thank you. *blush* I'm truly stunned.


  5. You looked so comfy in your sun puddle Selina - we had a sun puddle yesterday and it was wonderful.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. You are lovely Selian - and well deserving!!

  7. Hello. We have given you the Liebster Award. You can read more about it on our blog. Congratulations!

  8. Hi Selina !
    Nice to meet you !
    I found my here from Sheldon the Cat.
    ConCatulation to the award !!!
    Love the sunpuddle you found there !
    Here in Sweden it´s mostly raining and are dark all day around :(

  9. Kjelle & Joan, nice to meet you both & welcome! Kjelle, my MomKatt wants to visit Sweden! She reads the Kurt Wallander books by Henning Mankell & she says he makes Ystad sound very inviting!!!


  10. Enjoy Selena
    YOU Look adorable in your sun puddle.

  11. LOOK at your beautiful shiey fur suit! Selina, we always enjoy visiting you, you are a breath of funny, frisky, fresh air.

  12. I love ur header! U really are a beauty and deserving of this award!

  13. Congratulations on your award, Selina! And we love how the sun is glistening on your furs!

  14. Concats on the award, Selina. You really deserve it! Your ... your fur ... it's blinding me, it's so so shiny!

    Laura and Taffy


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