What is happening in this picture?

MomKatt took this picture of me this morning ... and it turned out VERY funky!  She thinks I'm being possessed by holidays spirits - what do YOU think?

I mean, look at my EYE.  And what's up with that glowing spot on the table, there, next to my left side?  It *is* rather reddish ... I hope Santa doesn't think I've been a bad kitty and won't leave me anything!  I'd better stock up on some Fancy Feast to leave out for him Xmas Eve, just as insurance!



  1. It's okay sweet one, we often see things that mere humans cannot!

  2. Selina, if Santa Kitty is all she is cracked up to be, I think you had better leave her a few crickets too!

  3. No Worries, Selina! Sandy Claws knows there's no such thing as a "bad kitty".

  4. That pic does look pretty surreal, Selina! You look almost like a CGI kitty. You could use that shot for your portfolio.

    Taffy is eating a little better, and the V-E-T called today - bloods are all ok. Waiting on the poo tests which may take a while. Thanks for your encouragement.

    Hugs and Purrs,
    Laura and Taffy

  5. Miz Laura & Taffy:

    We are really purring hard for you guys! Thanks for the update and that's great news re: the bloodwork! I know waiting is so hard!

    And I'm surreal, in general, MomKatt says - just that this pic finally captured it! MOL



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