Bragging on the MomKatt

This is MY blog and it's normally about CAT things ... but today, my MomKatt has reached a BIG milestone and I just have to brag about her (since she brags about ME so much).

As some of you already know, MomKatt's been doing Weight Watchers since last May.  Well, today, she hit a HUGE milestone that she's been trying to hit for a few weeks now - with the holidays, she was either still losing weight or maintaining where she was - which is VERY good - but she couldn't quite make this particular point during the month of December as she'd originally wanted to do.

Today, she achieved it.

See the copper-colored disc on the left with "50 lbs" engraved on it?  Yup - today she met - nay, she EXCEEDED - the 50 pounds lost mark, having lost a total of 52 pounds!  Her goal is to lose a total of 100 lbs, and she's now more than halfway there!!!  

She weighs 196 lbs (she's 5 ft 9 in tall) and says that, if you'd told her she'd have achieved this this time last year, she'd have laughed at you because she was trying and doing nothing but gaining, not losing.

She loves how she's looking, and that she's wearing smaller size clothing now (lots of rescued pairs of jeans in her very near future - and she's reclaimed three pair already) but ... she says what's most important is she's doing it to be healthier so she can live longer (she's only 46 but still - she had a pulmonary embolism when she was 32, so age doesn't really matter) and be healthier for us and for DadKatt.  AND for herself!

I'm so PROUD of my MomKatt!  

And you know what?  It really hasn't affected her lap space (that was MY biggest concern).  Her lap's STILL the best and most comfortable around and I LOVE to be in it!

Her goal with WW is to make "Lifetime" status so she can be a member furever and not pay anymore dues!  I know she's gonna do this in 2012!

Proud purrs,
Selina (who's already sleek)

PS - I'm also helping her with her floor work exercises.  Pics ARE coming!!!  Stay tuned!!

PPS - The gold charm is the one she got for completing the first 16 weeks of the program, or 4 months!!!


  1. HURRAH!!!! for your Mom!!! She totally rocks to do so well. (Did you know our Daddy has lost 60 pounds? He has, and we know it's not easy.) Mommy says "good for you, MomKatt!" We'd love to see pictures so we can rave some more!

  2. Woooowzzz we are proud of yurrr mom!Nice work!We are liking your blog, so we are following you now. Maybe you can take a peek at our blog when you have time and let us know whatzz u fink about it? Las and Odin

  3. Yay I´m doing my happy dance here for your mom´s big weightloss !

  4. Concats to your mum! That is a great achievement. Our mum is trying to lose weight too but has a long way to go to be as good as your mum.

  5. Concats to your mommie. My mommie just started a diet - wow, diets make hoomans cranky.

  6. what a great accomplishment!!! we are very proud of her as well!

  7. OMC! That is SO great!! Congrats to your MomKat!!

  8. BIG BIG BIG CONCATULATIONS to your human! That is fantastic!!! I know she will reach her goal - it sounds like she did a great job during the holidays, especially considering it WAS the holidays!

  9. how absolutely wonderful!! A big congrats from me and The Crew as well.

  10. Wow! Concats to your mom! That is truly something to be proud of.

  11. What pawsome news! Concats to your mom! How great that she still have the best lap too!

  12. Fantastic, MomKatt!!! *Waves paws in the air* We are all paws up for your achievement. You will be as sleek and slinky as Selina in no time at all. Selina, you are a sweet girl to brag up MomKatt like that. Extra lap time for you.

  13. That is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and we are all so proud of your MomKatt too!!! We're gonna go have a Niptini (low cal) to celebrate!

  14. Hooray for your mom! That's a great accomplishment!

  15. MomKatt says for me to pass along her thanks for your good words & your encouragement. Being so svelte as I am for all my life thus far, I can't really appreciate what it must be like to have to lose weight, but she's working VERY hard at it. And when she does floor exercises, I'm helping!



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