Mom&DadKatt were SLACKERS yesterday & I didn't get here to wish everyone a Happy New Year on New Year's Day ... so, a day late, a dollar short.  (What's a dollar anyway?  This is one of MomKatt's silly sayings.)

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my blogging furriends & their hoomans!

You can see what I spent MY New Year's Day doing ... MOL!

In other news ...

Morticia had to go to the V E T today.  MomKatt snuck her "well kitty" exam in on her.  She wasn't *really* due 'til later this month, but MomKatt wanted to use the last of her in-laws' Xmas money to get 'Ticia's exam taken care of.

The good news?  A clean bill of health.  :)  The bad news?  An ear cleaning!  Boy, does my sisfur HATE ear cleanings.  Her right ear is a bit prone to ... *whispers confidentially* ... "WAXY BUILD-UP" ... so apparently they gave her a RIGHT thorough cleaning.  

But she's not mad at MomKatt.  In fact, she got to meet Dr. Brigham, the "new" vet that helped so much during Feisal's last days back in August.  MomKatt hadn't been to the vet since that day and she only realized it on her way there this morning.

Now all 'Ticia has to have is a teeth-cleaning next month.  I heard her mutter, "I hope it's LATE next month ..." before she went into MomKatt's clothes closet.  MOL  (I think it's gonna be.)

HEY!  Ya'll be careful out there ... 


Selina the Slinky

PS - What's up with this weather change?  It's 34 deg. in NC at 4 PM!  I'm snugging w/MomKatt!  Brrr!  She she has one more day off before she has to go back to The Gulag.  You can bet I'm gonna be holdin' her down tomorrow as much as possible!


  1. Happy New 2012 to you and your family too !!
    Go to the vet suck´s !
    Last time I wen´t they stole my balls :(
    I´m still pretty upset about that *grr*
    Here in Sweden we have almost 45 F tonight and that´s crazy cause it should be winter now with snow !

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family. We don't like the vet either. About 3 months ago I went deaf and mum took me to the vet. My ears looked clean but deep down there was a large lump of solid wax. Mum cleaned my ear every day for a month and it gradually dissolved and now I can hear again. She cleans my ears once a month now to make sure it doesn't happen again.

  3. Its been warm here for winter, but the mom is still complaining. Looks like you had a nicer New Year's day than we did. We all had flea baths! Maybe 2012 won't be that good!

    May 2012 bring you joy,health
    and good fortune :)
    We are glad you got snuggles for New Years!!!!!!
    It is also good that Morticia had a good Vet visit :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family, Selina! Tell Morticia her year is starting out great because she got a good v-e-t report!

  6. Happy new year to you and your family, Selina! My human is still sleepwalking through 2012 - I don't think she has fully recovered from the weekend parties!

  7. Happy New Year! And Happy Lap Time, too. Our condolences to Morticia, we LOATHE the evil vet. Maui has terrible dirty ears, Mommy uses wipes on 'em a couple times a week.

  8. Hi Slinky! You know the right way to spend the day. It was 20 and snowy here in Michigan at 4pm. We had a wonderful December - no snow, temps in the 40s. You wouldn't know that now . . . Glad 'Ticia had a good check up. Taffy has to have ears cleaned about once a week. Those big air scoops just catch everything.


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