Horrid, horrid HORRID!


Having been an outside kitty, and having been saved from a not-so-good situation myself, I just HAD to share my furriend Sparkle's blog topic today & lend my meow in support.  As was said, "We all know 'someone'" and, who knows who reads this and might be able to help these folks in some way.  (Look at me:  who knew I'd land on MomKatt's Facebook page - and here I am!  Good things DO happen in this world.)  :)

I simply MUST put my meow in here:  I don't understand wantonly cruel hoomans.  Even if you don't LIKE a particular type of animal, WHY would you wish to do that creature harm especially if it's never done anything to YOU?  Just walk away from it, ignore it, leave it alone ... but don't HURT it!  What is wrong, even better, with overcoming your particular "dislike" or whatever and just being KIND to it by NOT kicking it or clubbing it or shooting it or torturing it?  Maybe helping to find it a home, or feeding it, or giving it some water - or maybe just a pat on the head and a kind word?  We animals know when people are talking to us whether their speech is kind or cruel and angry.  Why must some hoomans take such unmitigated delight in causing pain and suffering, both to animals and to their fellow hoomans?

This world isn't a kind one to most creatures, including the two-leggers.  Therefore, it is our belief that one must create as many kind places as one possibly can on one's own:  after all, look at the kind place my Uncle Bill, then Mom&DadKatt, created for ME and my fur sibs.  If it hadn't been for them, who knows where I'd be right now?  (And cats like me are prime targets because we're not "perfect" - "Hey, let's set the one-eyed cat on fire!" or something.  I can easily see that happening to a kitty who isn't "whole" or who is a bit "different".  MomKatt says hoomans treat "different" hoomans in a similar manner, too, sometimes by being mean to them.)

I just don't get it. 

Dislike or don't be all that crazy about a certain kind of animal - but for Bast's sake don't HURT them for that reason or - to me, the worst of all reasons - for NO reason at all ... other than your own sick, twisted, hellish delight.

MomKatt FIRMLY believes that all animals abusers, if found guilty of a charge of abuse, should have the EXACT same thing done to them as punishment as they've done to the animal they've hurt.  I MUST AGREE.  NO exceptions, NO plea bargains, NO back-room deals and NO negotiations.  But until laws are made tighter AND more tightly enforced ... *sigh* ... I'm afraid this kind of thing will persist, because the people that do these horrible things know they'll get away with it or, at worst, only suffer a slap on the hand.

*snuggles closer to MomKatt*  Makes me VERY grateful for all that *I* have.  And MomKatt, too, reads something like this & wants to help so much and feels so grateful that, by giving us homes, she IS doing something in general to help.

Please, regarding this specific matter, if you can help here in any way or pass on my blog entry or the link to Sparkle's page to someone that you think CAN help, do so.  I wish for the PurrEver Ranch a happy ending - but I admit things don't look good right now for them. :(

Thank you, Sparkle, for bringing this to our attention and thanks to the Zoolatry girls & their meowmy, Ann, for Emailing MomKatt about it.  This circle is such a caring group - MomKatt & I are honored to be a part of it.

Sad purrs,


  1. Me and my mom don´t get it either = Why some people are treating animals bad ??
    We hope that a miracle will happen so the Purrever Ranch will be saved !!

  2. Sigh we so hope someone can help those poor cats,and the people that are trying to help them. It makes us very sad that some people can be so mean.

  3. Thanks for sharing this, Selina, and for sharing your thoughts. I don't understand cruelty either, and it makes my human VERY angry!

  4. I totally agree, and we don't like those evil humans at all. I even contacted my pals at Rescue Ink about this, hey, ya never know.

  5. We were very sad to read about them too, and very angry that some people can be so evil. We hope something can be done to help them.

  6. Selina, we are sad that this world has such mean people in it too. We purr so hard for a miracle for them. It is too sad that animal rights are almost non existent.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  7. This story makes us sad and mad!! How can humans be so mean??!?

  8. Humans have NO excuse for cruelty to animals! We agree 1000% with what you said, Selina. It sounds like an immediate (if temporary) solution as well as a long term plan is needed. Thank you all for publicizing this. Anyone?


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