In Which I, Again, Save the Day!

Barely three days into 2012, and I'm saving MomKatt already from nasty things that invade MY house!  (Um sorry MomKatt ... "our house" ... we quibble over semantics).

ANYWAYS ... this morning?  While MomKatt was having coffee & enjoying her last day home before she has to return to The Evil Gulag tomorrow?  There was this bug!  But I didn't know what it was - all I knew was it was flying, and it didn't belong in our house!  So I RUSHED into the dining room and leaped up on the table where MomKatt was having her coffee? 

I was miaowing and miaowing, trying to get her attention!  Well, silly woman grabs her iPhone camera, saying, "Selina, I think we have your blog topic for today!"

"Sod the blog topic!" I miaowed, fiercely.  "THERE IS A BUG IN THE CEILING LIGHT!"

She looked up and, sure enough, saw it in one of the sticky-out things of the chandelier:

 "Let me at him!" I miaowed.  I was ready to PULVERIZE the little sod!  MomKatt swings into action (well, "swings" is sort of used ironically, if you know what I mean.)  Anyways, she gets her chair and says, "Let's take a look!"

I wanted to get up there with her, but all I could do was look on as she examined the sticky-out things.  "Ah," she said.  "Here he is.  It's a stinkbug!"

STINKBUG?!  YUCKY!  She hops down off of the chair, gets a paper towel and says, "I'll get him, Selina!  Thank you for spotting him!  Good girl!"

I was pretty proud of myself but I was still a bit "put out" that I didn't get to be really THERE for the kill and snag the prize, even if MomKatt said they're called "stinkbugs" for a very ... well, stinky ... reason!  (Hey, I smell a lot of stinky things throughout my day:  what's she worried about?  I mean, c'mon ... her running shoes ...)

ANYWAYS, all's well that ends well.  I saved MomKatt from disturbance by a really nasty home invading insect creature.  For my pains, I got HAM as a reward for my vigilance & MomKatt went back to enjoying her coffee and reading her copy of "Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant".

And they lived happily ever after.


Selina the Valiant!


  1. Well done alerting your mum to the stinkbug. We have never heard of them but they sound yucky.

  2. You were very valiant and congrats on disposing of the stink bug, we applaud you allowing the servant (MomKatt) to do the actually killing, you wouldn't want to get your lovely paws dirty would you?

  3. oooooooh HAM! One of our favourites. You are a smart hunter kitty. Wishing you a happy, healthy, fun and successful New Year.

  4. What would MomKat ever do without you, Selina??

  5. I bet that was a letdown, not being able to dispatch that bug yourself, Selina, but maybe it is just as well. Save it for some other, tastier bug like a cricket or a moth!

    P.S. my human is in love with that light!

  6. What a vigilant kitty! And a HAM reward. WOW! Taffy gets a "bug alert stare" and, sometimes, goes after it (sometimes waits for me to dispatch/remove the critter). She is nowhere near as active as you, most glossy Selina! BTW that bug's stink is truly awful; don't sully your nose with it, little one.

    Laura and Taffy

    P.S. We love that light, too.

  7. we've never heard of stinkbugs Selina and we don't think we'll mind if we never see or smell one.! What would your Mom do without you to tell her about important things.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  8. MomKatt says she's never SMELLED a stinkbug emission before ... but she's heard others say how nasty they are, so she takes the majority's words for it.

    I don't know WHAT I'm going to do today w/her gone - I mean, WHAT am I supposed to nap in without her lap readily available?

    I predict severe withdrawal for all concerned ...


  9. What a great job! Congrats on keeping the house safe for man and kitty

  10. Of course the kitty saves the hooman. That's the way it is! Poor hoomans, where would they be without us?


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