Here I was, maxin' and relaxin', since it was a federal holiday for MomKatt to take off yesterday:

and WHO should take it upon his gargantuan self to climb up onto the tops of our kitchen cabinets?

My "too smart for his own good" brofur, Peppers.  (Boy, is the vet gonna be unhappy with him this Saturday - he's FAT!   MomKatt despairs of him getting more active but she's trying ... however, I might add that this little ... episode ... was NOT part of the weight-loss/exercise plan!)

ANYWAY ... I digress.

My DadKatt used to collect antique radios, and he lined the tops of their kitchen cabinets with plastic "kitchen" radios as part of his display throughout the house.  The cabinets are in an L-shape from the spot where Peppers is sitting, and the entire length of them are decorated with these radios at well-measured spots.  Well, my late brofur, Feisal, climbed up to this area all the time (MomKatt called it "walking the parapet"), but he was about 15 lbs lighter and WAY skinnier than Peppers, plus he was very lithe (like Yours Truly) so he could do it well, AND he could jump down onto the kitchen counter from the other end corner without a fear of hurting himself.  

Mr. Blimpie, here, on the other hand ... 

Now, *I* could have no problem climbing up there, either.  Like Feisal, I'm svelte, not lumbering.  Just look at him - he looks so smug!  I was sitting in the chair, meowing, "OK smart guy:  NOW how ya gonna get DOWN?"

Hee hee ... Peppers didn't look like he felt very smug when MomKatt had to drag a chair from the dining room table & rescue his fat behunkus!  In fact, he looked pretty funny to me!  She said after she put him down, "Now I know how the Fire Dept. feels getting a cat out of a tree!"

He got up there via the top of the 'fridge, which is just below those two cabinet doors there in the second photo.  He's never attempted this before; indeed, has never shown the slightest bit of interest in attempting such a physical feat prior to yesterday.

For ALL our sakes, MomKatt hopes he doesn't do it again.  She's hoping he forgets the whole adventure.  But meanwhile, of course, it's all "grist for Selina's mill" so MomKatt hauled out the iPhone camera before she took Peppers down in order to give me something to meow about today.

In other news, I love it when MomKatt's home unexpectedly but it sure makes it hard when she leaves the next day.  Boudicca was on the warpath this morning - she went after Peppers AND me.  Odd she doesn't go after Morticia.  They touch noses quite often.  I think MomKatt's only seen her chase 'Ticia once.  

Feh.  I wish MomKatt would hurry up that Revival Animal Health person that's putting those Feliway thingees in the mail for us ... I gots some crazy sibs that need DEALIN' with!

Hope ya'll are having a good Toosday.

Selina the beleaguered 


  1. Well you sure do have some good climbing spot!!!

  2. We love climbing on our kitchen tops too!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. I am ashamed to admit I NEVER get on the kitchen counters, much less on top of the refrigerator! And I call myself a kitty...

  4. That looks exciting up there. We wish we could do that.

  5. Haha! We wonder how long Peepers would have stayed up there if MomKat didn't "rescue" him!


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