WELL ...

My MomKatt got an unexpected, early birthday present this past Saturday.

Just LOOK at this:

For those of you who don't know, this is Steak Tartare - basically raw steak with seasonings AND a raw egg on top.  Now, my MomKatt, I'm convinced, was a TRUE cat in a past life, because she likes her steak RARE and, by "rare", she doesn't mean that wimpy menu description "cool, red center".  Please.  That is SO for amateurs.

Ohhhhhhhh no.  "Rare" to my MomKatt is spelled R A W.

This past Saturday night was only the second time in her 46 year lifespan that she's been privileged to have Steak Tartare.  The first time was at a restaurant in Washington, DC, several years ago, where they made it for you AT YOUR TABLE.  (Talk about service!)  The particular plate of divine, carnivorous goodness herein pictured was had at a French establishment in Durham, NC, called Vin Rouge.  She & DadKatt were in Durham for the day, visiting Bennett Place, where Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston surrendered his troops to Northern General William T. Sherman.  After visiting there, they decided to return to this place (they had seen it earlier that morning as they were having breakfast at Elmo's Diner, another "must eat" gastronomic stop in Durham, which was right across the street from Vin Rouge) and have a couple of drinks before heading home.  They weren't planning to eat there.  (They were just anticipating a superior wine list.)

Lo and behold, the barkeep gave them a menu and, when MomKatt saw "STEAK TARTARE" (at the bargain price of $18, no less) she looked at DadKatt & said, "Guess where WE are eating tonight!" (Apparently, DadKatt got a regular steak, and ordered it "rare" but it was the house "rare" and, said MomKatt, quite good but not like what she ordered!)  (Also, the "Pomme Frits" accompanying said beef entrees were, she pronounced, the best she'd ever had!  And boy did they give you a MOUND of 'em!  Also garlic spinach.  Wilted.  Hot.  Served in a little tiny cast iron frying pan.  Again, TO.  DIE.  FOR.)

She was so excited, she even took this picture of her plate after it arrived to show to me.  I've been drooling ever since.

Now ... why is it that there aren't restaurants that cater to us kitties that serve stuff like this?  I mean, skip the raw egg, I'm not interested in that so much, and I don't need a lot of fancy seasoning (MomKatt is a garlic-aholic, which was good 'cause apparently there was a lot of it in the tartare) but ... man, oh man, I think SOME enterprising hooman should get a business plan together and, who knows, we could soon have a CHAIN of tartare-serving bistros catering to us felines!  Just think! 

So that's your "Tuesday Treat"!  Lucky MomKatt (whose b'day is Feb. 9 ... I know she's already planning some way to get back there for another round of this heady concoction!)


PS - I've heard rumors of "tuna tartare" .... does this delicacy TRULY exist?  Ohhhhh .... *head swims at the thought* 


  1. Selina - if your Mom gets to go to that restaurant again you must hide in her handbag and jump out in the restaurant meowing surprise just as the waiter puts here steak tartare down and jump in mouth and nose first!!
    You might not get treats for a week but we're sure you wouldn't mind!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
    ps It must be tastier than mousie tartare!

    1. Oh I'm sure it is, too! And MomKatt would probably take me but I'd be sure to make trouble for their "open kitchen"! MOL!

  2. Hey there Selina
    So nice to meet you! Great Bloggy!
    Purrrs Lars and Odin

    1. Meowlo Lars & Odin, nice to meet you too!! Thanks for reading my blog!

  3. Our mum is drooling now. She likes her steak blue, put in the pan, turned over and taken out again. The waiters on the ship joke when they bring her steak and tell her it is still mooing. In the evenings on the ship they have canapes and drinks for the most often traveled passengers and at least once a week they have steak tartare. Mum makes sure she always goes on those nights.
    She made a mistake one night when it was oriental themed and saw wasabi. She didn't know what it was and took a big mouthful. It is the only time in her adult life that she has had to spit something into her paper napkin. She thought her head was going to explode!

    1. Oooo! We need a ship like that HERE!

      MomKatt LOVES wasabi! The hotter, the better, she says (this from the woman that puts Tabasco Brand hot sauce on nearly EVERYTHING and says if she's not sweating while she eats, it's NOT hot enough!

      That's funny, DadKatt says the same thing! He also tells wait staff to "give her a bow & let her shoot it herself"!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OMC Mom's keyboard is all slimy from her drool! She LOVES steak tartare! She also likes her steak "mooing"

    The Florida Furkids

    1. I think all our hoomans should form a club now ... MOL!

  6. OMC, that steak tartare looks awesome! Yum! Yes, tuna tartare DOES exist, and my human (who does not eat meat that came on hooves) has had it and says it is awesome! Of course she did not bring any home to me, so I kind of hate her for that.

    1. Oh Sparkle, you are SO right! Well, MomKatt knows I can't eat stuff w/garlic in it but ... hey, she could FIND a recipe for steak tartare & try it at home, right??

      *looks at MomKatt w/a hintful expression*

      I mean, what's this Internet thing GOOD for anyway???

  7. Yum! I think we all need to order take-out!

  8. Selina, we are glad your Momkatt enjoyed an early feast that she enjoyed!!
    Bet we would love it too, however Mom is looking a bit green, so it's not likely we will get to try that dish ;)
    We would love the tuna too ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  9. Mmmmmm...we could go for some steak tartare too! Hold the egg and seasonings, please!

  10. Oh, the mom here thought she was adventurous getting her meat medium rare! Well, that leaves more tartare for others!

  11. Oh yum! We looooooooove steak tartare but we can't really get it here. We're awfully jealous!

  12. Replies
    1. Meowmeowmans - MomKatt wishes! (And so do I!) MOL


  13. Oh Selina, we are so happy that MomKatt found this yummy goodness in advance of her special day. Though we think she could have brought you just a taste. Surely some could be made for you without the "bad" stuff.

    Taffy's eye is much better. we thank you so much for the purrs.

    1. Taffy, oh YAY! for your eye being better!!! We've been thinking about you.

      Yes, she plans to try fixing some herself (she's been researching recipies) and I'll be sure to get a pinch or two of my own in the "pre-garlic & additive" stage of production! MOL



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