Wordless Wednesday - MomKatt's going back to W O R K??? :( DISLIKE!


  1. Didn't Momkat as your purrmission to go back to work Selina? How naughty of her.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Hannah & Lucy:

    It appears NEITHER of us have a choice in the matter - especially if I wish to continue being kept in the style to which I've become accustomed! MOL


  3. Work and work and work :(
    I think it´s one of the most bad ideas that humans ever have come up with !!

  4. I,ll bet MomKatt doesn't like it either! Hey, I love that new header!

  5. Brian - MOL! Thanks! Shows off my butt nicely, does it not? MOL

    No, she does NOT. She thinks work that people do 'cause they HAVE to is akin to a prison sentence.

    OTOH she has a lot of spare time at her workplace, and she's got a Civil War project going currently ... so her vow in 2012, other than to continue losing weight, is to use all her spare time to work on her research. So ... pros & cons.


  6. We hate it when our Mom and Dad go back to work, too. We wish they could stay at home and give us snuggles and snacks all day! - Moosey and Sammy

  7. We are very glad that our mum works at home and spends lots of time with us. She knows she is lucky too.

  8. My human works at home and sometimes I wish she would leave more!

  9. Well that's no fun at all. On the other paw, she'll get green papers to buy you extra treats!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. I do not know why my Mommeh goes to work all the time, either. Work is boring!

  11. Our mom went back yesterday. We don't know who was more unhappy...us or her.

  12. Our mom works too - at two jobs! :( You have to enjoy the time with her than you can.

  13. Our condolences to MomKatt! Having spare time to work on a personal project will help a lot, though we know you would prefer she do that at home, Selina.

    Laura and Taffy


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