
Morning, peeps!  Here I am this morning, after MomKatt played some "teaser" with me.  There's the instrument there before me.  It's pretty pathetic now, actually.  When MomKatt first bought it months ago, it had 3-4 dangly things with little fuzzy balls attached to the ends that reminded her of a jester's cap, and a little bell (the bell is still attached).  Alas, the fuzzy balls are long vanished, and the dangly things ... well all but one are completely pulled off and the one remaining one is stretched out so far that it doesn't spring back like it used to anymore.  (Neither, she says, does MomKatt!  MOL)  But I still like to play with it though I'm HOPING for my Birthday/Gotcha Day coming up in April, I might get a new one?

Paws crossed!

In other news, I'm still feeling better, but Boudicca continues to plague me.  *sigh*  MomKatt is doing her best to run interference, and DadKatt says we just have to "work it out", like my brofur Peppers and my sisfur, Sasha.  But apparently it took them a VERY long time to achieve this state of "detente" which they now occupy.

I know I'm a fascinating kitty, but I don't see why she has to torment me.  I haven't done anything to her!  She sits & watches me, and I sit & watch her.  It's like a feline game of "chicken" or something.  It's most annoying and mainly, I just try my best to stay away from her and, if she's in the room, I make myself small and try not to be noticed.  But I still go into the rooms of the house - hey, I live here, TOO, y'know!  I HAVE MY RIGHTS!

But mostly, the change in me upsets MomKatt because, normally, I'm a wide-open kitty, full of vim and vigor, ready for anything!  I guess we'll work it out as the days pass.  Maybe soon Boudicca will get bored with me ... I'm trying to BE boring (to HER at least, though it IS hard!)

The EXCITING! news is ... my furriend, Kizzie Cat:

has in this post given me a "Pawsome Blogger" award!  I am so amazed & grateful!  It's fun for me to have MomKatt transcribe my adventures, and I love hearing that YOU, my peeps, enjoy reading about my days.  

I'm really just an ordinary kitty, I don't do agility trials, I'm not on YouTube, I don't even have my own cartoon strip like Simon's Cat.  (OK, MomKatt totally disagrees with the "ordinary" kitty description.)  So it's a source of great satisfaction & pleasure that everyone continues to be interested in my adventures, welfare and well-being.  You're all SUCH good furriends - I'm a very lucky kitty.

Boudicca does not have THAT to say for HERself! (No, she IS lucky, in that she found a home with us when she needed one but SHE doesn't have a blog or blogging furriends like I do!)

Now I just have one question:  Do *I* pass along a "Pawsome Blogger" award to some that *I* feel are pawsome, too?  I don't know how this works, really, and I feel I'd actually really LIKE to recognize some of the blogs that MomKatt & I especially enjoy.

Cheers, all.  Going to hunt the tattered teaser!



  1. First you and MomKhatt have to do what the blog says and the find some pawsome bloggers and pass it on to them. Tell them in their comments you would like them to have it and to collect it from your blog. We think it had to be passed on to three bloggers. We hope that helped you all Selina.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. I think it's three, too.

      OK collect the picture of the award, like the one in this entry?

      Sorry to be so "thick" ... :)

      Thank you, ladies!!

      Selina & MomKatt

  2. that teaser looks interesting. but are not all kitty toys teasers- we have come to find. we get bored with it after the first day. except for our catnips!!!

  3. Congrats Selina on the nice award! We all think you are pawsome too. I got this one recently and sometimes I just thank whoever thought enough to share...and I ignre the other rules...but that usn't always the case!

  4. I hope you work out things with Boudicca - it is so annoying to have someone bugging you like that. There are so many awards floating around the blogs - I have no idea what the rules behind this one are! I think they are minimally followed anyhow. Just make sure you thank whoever gave it to you, which you have.

    1. Sparkle, I sense you have experienced this problem before? MOL!

      Yes, I definitely thank kits for their compliments. MomKatt & I know: writers NEED an audience!


  5. Congrats on your award, Selina! We sure hope things get better with Boudicca. But we can relate...Wally and Zoey don't get along either.


  6. Have you tried a "calm" collar on Boudicca? It's like feliway, but it goes wherever the cat goes. It seemed to help Taffy tolerate Jet better before he went to the Bridge.

    Concats on your award! We hope you get a new teaser; that sounds like a fun one.

    Happy Birthday MomKatt Laura!

  7. Your teaser sounds well loved. We hope you get a new one for your birthday. We are sorry Boudicca is being mean to you. We hope she soon gets fed up with being like that.
    Concats on your award.


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