
A VERY eventful weekend.

First of all, it appears my Aby sisfur, Livia, is out of the woods, mostly, with her nasty URI.  MomKatt had to hand-feed her on Fri. afternoon, because she'd gone from 5.2 lbs last Sat. when MomKatt took her to the vet the first time, to 4.8 lbs last Thurs., when she went to the vet AGAIN and stayed there all day, getting doses of eye drops every 2 hours from our very dedicated vet guy, Dr. Mark Brigham.  (MomKatt can't say enough how AWESOME he and Dr. Jim Loftgren are - she wouldn't trade our vets for anything and, even though I've only been to them once since I've been here at my home, I must say they *are* most excellent, caring men.)

So it was feeding baby food all Fri. afternoon with a syringe.  None of us were allowed in the room with them, because MomKatt's terrified that another of us will pick up this bunch of nasties.  She got the baby food down Livia all afternoon and it was like she suddenly remembered, "Oh, food!  Hey, I'm hungry!"

So she got food every hour, just about, including more and more baby food and, basically, anything that she'd eat.  She started eating on her own Sat. morning and Mom&DadKatt were overjoyed.  They were pretty worried about her there for awhile.

As of this morning, Livia ate 1/4 can of Fancy Feast and some cut-up turkey luncheon meat that she loves.  On Sunday, MomKatt had also tried a new stinky food, Earthborn, that's holistic & all natural and she seemed to find that palatable, too, though not so much today as on Sunday.

They let her into the house with us late yesterday afternoon so we are cautiously hoping that the very worst is over and that, perhaps, by the end of this week, she'll be off of the eye drops.  MomKatt is still giving them 2-3 times/day this week out of an abundance of caution.

Meanwhile, here's me on the floor:

Dig my shiny coat!  :) :)   If I eat fish parts, MomKatt tells me, I'll get even SHINIER!  (Maybe I can have a career as a lighthouse!  MOL)

Also?  I stole Boudicca's toy and now IT'S MINE!  That story, along with (hopefully, MomKatt says) some pictures, tomorrow.  Meanwhile, we're all just glad that Livia seems to be on the mend and returning to the land of the living (and eating!)

Yeah, that's the other bit of seeming good news.   Don't exhale completely yet, but it seems that, in some way, Boudicca & I have worked out a sort of "detente" between us.  She still stares, some, at me and I cut her a wide swath when I walk around her but, mostly, the overt hostility and nuttiness has seemed to go down remarkably in the last week or two, even to where the hoomans noticed things were a bit quieter between us.  (Plus I stole her toy - did I mention that?  Hee hee ... revenge is mine!)

Sometimes we really stress our hoomans out, don't we?  Especially when we get raging nasties like this one, or when we don't get along together.  But, as far as health goes, Livia's illness has served to show MomKatt that, indeed, the kitties in our house are SO healthy and we are so fortunate in both that, and in having great medical backup.  MomKatt said this weekend that perhaps she'd been a little guilty of taking those facts for granted.  She says for sure THAT isn't going to happen again!

And?  Mom&DadKatt celebrated a nice 16th wedding anniversary this weekend, too.  He took her out to dinner Friday night & they had a nice weekend when they weren't covered in baby food.  MOL  Of course, Sunday was also "movie day" so I hung out in MomKatt's lap a LOT.

All in all, a good weekend.

PURRS! I hope my peeps here on the Blog-o-sphere has a nice one, too!



  1. We are so happy to hear Livia is eating much better and paws crossed will continue to do so.
    Boudicca and you have called a truce (even an uneasy one is better than none).
    Take car everyone.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. We are very glad Livia is eating again. That will always scare the parents. Happy Aniversary to your mom and dad. And we hope you and Boudicca continue to try to work it out.

  3. I sure am glad you sis is okay, how scary! Happy Anniversary to your beans from all of us!

  4. I am so glad to hear that Livia has turned a corner! That URI got pretty scary for a while!

  5. Selina, your fur really is seek and shiny! It is good to hear that Livia is starting to feel better and eating better, too!

  6. We're so glad Livia is doing better. And Happy Anniversary to your humans!


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