Total Washout!

Bonjour, peeps!

I know you're all wondering about that "WATCH THIS SPACE" entry I made about a week or so ago ... well, it basically ended up being a wash out, at least in the kitty sense (or, rather, in the "new pics of Selina investigating events" sense). 

My pawrents got a 51 in. flat screen TV and a new Blu-ray player and on Mon., Feb. 27th, it was to all arrive and they had stayed home to put everything together. That was the "big event".  What MomKatt was HOPING for was that all the cats would be gathered around, awed, etc. by the mystery package and the assorted boxes & papers that normally come with such hooman treasures, and that she would get lots and lots of pictures of them (especially MOI!) investigating all this, playing in it, etc.

Weeellll ... it didn't turn out QUITE as expected.  Here is 'Ticia's reaction:

My nemesis, Boudicca, however, seemed to be more interested than any of us:

That's the TV, still in its box.  She made a beeline for it (and she'd been to the vet that same morning, previously, too, for a URI, but does that stop her?  NOOOOOOO!  Of course, NOW she's given the URI to my sisfur, Livia ... *sigh*  But that's another blog entry) .  

ANYWAY!  Once the box got flattened out, she plopped her fat butt on it & refused to move until DadKatt bodily picked her up off of it:
I can tell ya right now:  you don't want HER putting your A/V components together.  I mean - lookit:  DadKatt ended up having to do ALL the work!

And, as you can see, all that sitting got box cooties all over her paws (pardon ME!)

They then had this stand to assemble to put the TV on.  Peppers decided this was the "manly" construction activity that he needed to supervise. 

Ha ha!  Someone must've been sneaking up on him in THIS picture.

Where was *I* while all this was going on, you ask?  *I* did the sensible thing and got my shiny black patootie OUTTA there 'til all the boxes and crinkling and noise and cussing and swearing were all over with!  MOL  I was either in the dining room, snoozing, or upstairs.  Or in this box:


Plus, Boudicca was there and I really didn't want to deal with her.  In fact, it was a really lucky thing that she was, 'cause I got time AWAY from her fat butt!

It all finally got assembled, and the boxes got taken out to the trash, but our old entertainment center is still in the living room - it's gigantic and now basically useless.  MomKatt was thinking of trying to fashion it into some kind of cat tree for us (cats, rather than components?) but then decided it would just be easier (and smaller!) to go buy a new cat tree.

The plus side to all this?  "Animal Planet" is now REALLY big!!



  1. We love boxes around here and usually fight over who gets to sit in it first.

    1. That's what surprised the pawrents so much - that we were NOT all out there with them, availing ourselves of the boxes!

      Guess they just were NOT the "kitty-approved" type of boxes!

  2. How big is your new cat tree and did it come made up or did you have to snoopervise Mom and DadKatt did it's construction?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. We don't have a new one yet. In fact, I should post a picture tomorrow of the abandoned entertainment center & see if anyone can think of a really cool way to make it into a cat resting spot. It's got a large area for the old TV, of course, in the middle & kinda to the right, with spaces next to it on the left with adjustable shelving for up to about 4 A/V components.

      MomKatt thought maybe some pillows in there or something ... then again, she put a cat bed into the big TV space, Sharif jumped up into it & the fleece material, combined w/the semi-slick surface of the TV spot, made it slide a little.

      So maybe it's NOT such a hot idea.

      MomKatt doesn't relish lifting it to get it out to the curb, either. It's VERY, very heavy ...

  3. Why did you let your peeps dispose of all the boxes? Boxes are the best part!

    1. Hi Nerissa!

      They weren't the "fun" kind of boxes you could jump in, really. The TV one was HUGE and VERY narrow & flat and the Blu-ray one wasn't deep enough to pique (my, anyway) interest.

      But or Barnes & Noble boxes or, better yet, wine cases from the wine shop? Now THOSE are some BOXES!


  4. I think making the old entertainment center into a cat tree or condo is a great idea!!!

  5. Nice TV Selina!! We love boxes and Tillie loves to chew them,heehee
    We purr you get to watch lots of shows for kitties ;) heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  6. Oh, that's a great TV! I like to watch cartoons.

  7. The humans here got one of those big TV things too just the other day but it isn't set up yet. My human is in San Francisco for the weekend and is hoping that by the time she gets home, her boyfriend will have it set up and ready for the satellite TV guy to come on Tuesday. So far, we are kind of interested in the box but it is too narrow to be all that much fun.

  8. The one good thing about us cats is that we never do what the humans expect us to do. Keep then guessing!!

  9. Making cat furniture out of the old stuff sounds like a GREAT idea!

  10. Too bad that the boxes were so disappointing, Selina! The humans that packed the TV just don't understand cats. We think that putting stick on strips of velcro on the bottom of the cat beds would make them less slippy-slidey. That big heavy thing would look great decorated with cats! Purrow.


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