Today is my Special Gotcha Day!

Cats don't keep track of time, but hoomans do, and MomKatt tells me that, not only is today my DadKatt's 54th birthday, it's also my "Gotcha Day", wherein one year ago today, MomKatt drove to Charlotte, NC, to meet with the lady that was bringing me from South Carolina to my new furever home in North Carolina.

They met at the Sheraton Airport Hotel and I was in my carrier, all well-behaved and quiet, just looking all around and wondering what was going to happen to me, where was I going, etc.  I'd had such an interesting and, sometimes, unsure life (before I met my Uncle Bill, who cared for me & fostered me 'til MomKatt got me) that I really didn't know what to expect.  But MomKatt kept looking in on me in the carrier while she filled out the adoption paperwork.  I could tell she was excited about me, and I was very curious about her.  I don't think she could wait to get me home!

Once in her MINI Cooper that day, she took a picture of me, which I'm sure most of ya'll have seen but here it is again:

See how calm I was?  I wasn't scared at all, really.  At least, I didn't let on that I WAS scared.  We drove through some awful rain & storms, though, I do remember that.  But that didn't scare me either.  (I don't scare easily, did you notice?)

Then I spent some time in MomKatt's office, getting used to the new place, the new smells, the new toys AND the presence of some new sibs, whom I sniffed under the door.

By May, I was in the house and taking command, including carrot taming and laundry supervision!

And sampling some ... ahem ... "organics" ... 
It's not been perfect.  My brofur, Feisal, and I didn't get along too well, but he was sick and not feeling his best when I arrived.  Otherwise, I think I'd have gotten along with him very well.  Boudicca & I are still working things out but it's got a TEENY bit better (well, maybe not.  She still bugs me.  MOL)

BUT ... 

These are small things.  I'm happy, SOOOOO healthy and sleek and strong and just the most beautiful house panther ever (MomKatt says, and I'm inclined to agree with her!  MOL).  I'm safe, I'm loved - nay, ADORED - and spoiled silly.  I get smooched quite often on the top of my head.  I'm told how important I am every day and, moreover, I'm SHOWN how important I am.  I have great brofurs and sisfurs, for the most part, I have great toys and I have THIS every day:
Because MomKatt makes sure I get lap time EVERY day with her!  (And scritches, as you see.)

I'm also cared for by two of the most AWESOME vets on the planet, both of whom are enslaved to my beauty.  (Men - it's SOOOOOO easy!  MOL)

I've been Catster's Diary of the Day a couple of times and I was their "Cat of the Day" too!  (See my trophy?)
I must lead THE most exciting life of any cat ever!  And none of this would've happened if Mom&DadKatt hadn't adopted me! 

Of course, I've brought THEM a lot of things, too.  They adore me. MomKatt says that I made Feisal's death so much easier for her to handle, emotionally, because of my nutty personality, how I don't hold myself back.  Plus, as the months have unwound and more and more of "me" has emerged, she's found that I've taken on some of his characteristics while spicing them up with some of my own individual quirks and personality traits, making me a most unique kitty!  I made her laugh a lot during those sad days and she's always been grateful for that.  And she STILL laughs at me!  She lavishes me with attention and, really, I think I have the best cat mom in the world.

A lot of folks were pulling for me to get this home that I have and I want to thank each & every one of you for doing that, and for keeping up with me during the last year, with my life & adventures and all my silliness.  

And a SPECIAL SPECIAL thank you to my Uncle Bill - NONE of this would have happened had HE not seen how special I was and cared enough to work with me, care for me and be patient with me, until I worked up the courage to ask him for help that day.  He took SUCH good care of me and loved me and he still keeps up with me.  In fact, MomKatt said we'd be calling him tonight to share my special "Gotcha Day" with him.  And it's so cool that she & he have gotten to be "phone buddies".  My goal during the next year is to get him to Reidsville so he can meet Mom&DadKatt and see how I've grown!

So thank you, my furriends, one and all, and we just love every one of you & look forward to telling more of my stories and adventures and posting more pictures of moi here in my blog!

(Oh and a thank you to my typist, MOMKATT!  After all, without thumbs ...)

Selina the Happy



  1. Happy Gotcha Day Selina. We are so glad we have got to meet you and we love to come and see you and MomKhat and see what you've been doing. Take care sweet girl.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. And we love that you hang out with us! We love reading your blog too!


  2. Ah Selina, what a beautiful girl you are :) We are not so talkative but we do follow and we are so happy you've brought your Mom&DadKatt happiness in their hearts and we oh so very happy that you found these special hoomans that so obviously bring happiness to yours. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Selina and we purrr you see many more! Love Always from Mota, Dog The Angel Cat, & all The NM Kitty Crew <3

    1. MomKatt here, Mota. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her AND Morticia. They are BOTH my special girls, though I deeply love ALL my kids. They are each one of a kind ... thank you for following her antics & adventures! :) :)

      Laura & Selina

  3. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Selina!!! And Happy Birthday to your DadKatt too!

    1. And Brian YOU are someone to thank, too, and your DadKatt! We'd never have met had it not been for what you did to help me find a furrever home!


  4. Happy gotcha day Selina. I hope you and DadKatt have a wonderful day!

  5. Happy Gotcha Day, Selina! You've obviously got one of the best homes in the whole wide world. They're so lucky to have you there with them. May your special day be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & lots of the nip!

  6. Happy Gotcha Day! I remember seeing you on Brian's site and retweeting and even sharing you on FB. I've got to tell The Woman to put this blog on our Blog Roll so I can visit more often. You have grown into a beautiful lady cat and you're one of the most lucky cats in the world. O and Happy Birthday to DadKatt.

  7. Happy Gotcha Day!! Hard to believe it has been a year...that is amazing. we are so glad to have watched your journey and know you are a joy to your parents. :)

  8. Happy Gotcha Day, Selina. We remember when you were gotted, it's hard to believe a year has passed so quickly! We wish you a long and happy life in your forever home. :-)

    Also a very happy birthday to your DadKatt! A double celebration sounds like fun, we hope he has a pawsome day too!

  9. We are so happy that you found your forever home Selina! We remember the day you traveled to your new home! Happy Gotcha Day Selina!!!

    And a Happy Birthday to your DadKatt too!

    Luf, Us

  10. We are so happy that you found your forever home Selina! We remember the day you traveled to your new home! Happy Gotcha Day Selina!!!

    And a Happy Birthday to your DadKatt too!

    Luf, Us

  11. Happy Birthday to your Dadkatt and Happy Gotcha Day to you.

  12. A furry Happy Gotcha Day to you, Selina.
    You are such a beautiful lady cat... Sol is swooning behind me!
    And a Happy Birfday to yours DadKatt, too.
    What a wonderful day this must be at your house!
    Have a great Gotcha Day and Hooman Birfday today.
    Love & Purrs,
    Missy Blue Eyes
    Faith Boomerang
    Brutus Jr.
    Baby Cat
    Mom ML

  13. Happy 1st Gotcha Day, Selina! I am so happy that you ended up in your furever home where you are pamPURRed and adored (as it should be).

    And it seems the relationship is reciPURRocal, too! The best relationships are give and take. What a marvelous kitty you turned out to be!

    Here's to many, many more healthy, happy years ahead with your MomKatt and DadKatt and furblings!

    Happy Birthday to your DadKatt, too -- were you a gift for him PURRhaps?

  14. Happy Gotcha Day Selina. We are glad you were gotcha'd into such a loving forever home. Happy Birthday to Dad Katt.

  15. Hi Sweetie ~ Happy Gotcha Day ~ sounds like it was the "best" day it could be for you, and for the MomKatt and DadKatt, too! We loved reading your story ... and we agree that "top of the head smoochies" are awesome.
    You are without doubt ~ a very special lady! (And Happy Day to your Dad, too!)
    Your friends, Maggy and Zoey

  16. Happy Birthday to DadKatt!!!!!!!!
    Happy Gotcha Day Selina!!
    You did indeed hit he jackpot with your family :) We are happy that you have a happy and safe home!! We purr you have a lobng happy life too :)
    Now...go get spoiled some more ;) heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  17. Happy Gotcha day gorgeous Selina! And Happy Birthday to Dadkatt too!! It's so great you have settled in your beautiful home really well. Me and my cat Charlie are sorry to hear about wonderful Feisal but we know he is watching over all of you!

    take care

  18. Happy Gotcha Day, Selina! And Happy Birthday to DadKatt, too! :)

  19. Happy gotcha day, Selina! I think the story of how you found your home is one of the most awesome out there! I'm so glad you wound up with a human who helped you blog so we could all be your friend!

  20. Happy Gotcha Day Selena!! We have been watching you since the begiing of your journey!! We are so glad you have a wonderful forever home!!
    ((((((HUGGGSSS))))) from your TX furiends,

  21. Happy Gotcha Day, Selina!!! Happy Birthday DadKatt!!!

    We were rooting for you when you first appeared on Brian's site as Faith. You have the best family possible, and as you've become more *you*, we've enjoyed every minute. All the cats here have loved the same multi-coloured teaser that you have. What a lucky darling kitty you are!

    PS: We are still here. Things have just been in a big jumble. More later.

    1. I meant to meow earlier, Taffy! Are you all OK?


  22. Happy Gotcha Day, Selina! You did luck out, didn't you sweetheart? And so did your family for finding you. Purrs from all of us on this happy day.


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