Googly Eyes!

MomKatt took this picture of me this morning for the blog entry for today.  As she looked at it online (she took it with her iPhone), she got a good chuckle. See my left eye?  MOL!  MOL!  Isn't that the FUNNIEST thing?  Like it's a little marble ...

This one's better - at least of my eye - but now my left EAR is wiggly!  MOL!  MOL!  (I like it 'cause I seem to look more "kittenish" in this one than in others - a girl kitty likes to fancy herself perpetually young, y'know.)

(And no takers - not even an INQUIRY - about Boudicca yet.  *sigh*)

Anyway, we both hope ya'll get a chuckle out of these snaps & have a lovely weekend.



  1. We voted and we think you look beautiful!

    1. Awwww! Thank you, Brian! You & your sibs & DadKatt have a great weekend! We love you!

  2. Selina, you just can't keep still for a photo, can you? Keep up the good work!

  3. OMC! Its furry nice to meets you Selina, you is one purrty black kitty and you has my momma's name except she spells it differently.


  4. We loved your eye and ear photos and are still giggling!

  5. Never cooperate with that flashy box. It's just asking for trouble if you do.

    The Florida Furkids and Lexi

  6. Wiggling anything right before the click of the flash box will make them crazy. It's quite entertaining.
    ; ) Katie

  7. I like those funny pictures! My Mommeh has to take about 10 photos for every single good one we actually use!

  8. Me laff-n-laff. Your mom sure takes fun picshurs! You looks just like a kitten in the last one!!!
    Love, TK


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