Peppers & I Have a Conversation

"Boy, Selina, you sure told Pink Bed who's boss yesterday!"

"Yes, Peppers, I did.  We can't have that kind of behavior around here.  Suppose your Morgan bed acted like that?"

"You're right, Selina.  Uppity cat beds simply cannot be tolerated.  I mean, we all know if you let 'em do it once, they'll keep pushin' ya ... " 

"Yes, Peppers, MY point.  Pink Bed had been getting obstreperous recently, but I thought, 'It's a phase, he'll settle down.'  They all go through that 'rebellious cat bed phase', y'know.  But, after how I saw him behaving the way he was yesterday morning, and NOT listening to me ... well, I knew he was getting worse.  He had to be stopped."

"Well, you know the Nick Lowe song, don't you?  Sometimes 'you gotta be cruel to be kind'!"

"Indeed, indeed!  It's for the best."

(Both cats grow silent, contemplating.)

"So, do you have any tips on subduing Fleece Teaser, Selina?  He's gotten so stretched out from me pulling on him when MomKatt plays with me.  Now he's SO long that MomKatt has a hard time flinging him properly for me to chase!  He thinks 'cause he's so long now, I won't be able to drag him around the house anymore!"
"And is he getting some 'tude!   D'you know, just the other day, he ACTUALLY stuck a piece of fleece out at me?!  You know, the way MomKatt sticks her tongue out at DadKatt sometimes?  Just like that!  I mean, if Pink Bed stuck his tag out at YOU, you'd be bunny-kicking the fuzz off of him!  If this keeps up, I'll have to abandon Fleece Teaser - he won't be worth playing with and I DO love him so!"  

(Selina thinks a minute.)

"Peppers, in a situation like this, I fear you have only one solution.  I recommend you ask MomKatt to get a pair of scissors and CUT IT!"

(The remaining scenes are not published herein, as they involve Fleece Teaser mutilation and aren't for weak stomachs.)


  1. Oh wow! It's serious business at your house, isn't it? purrs

    1. Nerissa, it is indeed! I'm tellin' ya, you'd better look to your own cat beds & toys! They may be staging a rebellion right under your whiskers!


  2. I think you two have everything covered!

  3. Whoa! Mutilation! Nothing to see here!

  4. Wow, I would hate it if our loungers began acting up - they are big and heavy and would be totally unmanageable!

  5. That's some serious discussion for you, little girl! We hope the surgery went well, Selina. Ours isn't tooooo long yet, (gulp) we purr.

    Laura & Taffy

  6. Oh dear! I hope you whipped that fleece teaser back into shape. You can't let those toys and beds get away with anything or they end up taking over!


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