Y'know guys, I'm a patient kitty.  (OK, I'm NOT but ... be that as it may ...)  My pink bed, which resides on the hoomans' kitchen counter (and which I've named "Pink Bed" - catchy, huh?), is, let me say, PAWSOME.  He's pink, for a start (and I look pawsome in/next to pink).  Next, he's soft.  And third, he often serves as a great toy because the bottom of him is made out of some material that makes him S-L-I-D-E!  

So I go for rides across the counter a lot - sometimes, I can even slide him so that he falls over (upside down of course) onto the floor, on top of the food bowl!  MOL!  MOL!  (Boy, does that frustrate Peppers when he wants to go stuff his face!  I told him I was trying to help him trim that tummy down - but no good deed goes unpunished.  We then have to wait 'til a hooman gets home or comes into the room and puts Pink Bed back up on the counter.)

But this morning, Pink Bed wasn't behaving like I wanted him to.  What was he doing?  Well, nothing really, but I was just in the mood to teach something a BIG lesson and, like all things one is close to, sometimes that is the very thing that frustrations get taken out on.

Luckily, MomKatt was on hand to watch the destruction AND document it.

Normally, Pink Bed & I enjoy a relaxing, symbiotic relationship, like so:

But, this morning, something - somehow - was just different. I was gettin' VIBES off of Pink Bed, and they weren't the "Why-don't-you-come-and-snuggle-with-me-hot-stuff?" variety, either.  They were more like:  "You wanna piece of ME?  Well, DO ya - PUNK?"

Clearly, Pink Bed needed to be put in his place - reminded of who's boss.

I elected on a simple, but crafty, plan of action.

First, having lulled Pink Bed into a false sense of security by being all snuggly and cute (see above photo), I abruptly UPENDED him, thusly:

As you can see, Pink Bed was then POWERLESS in my iron grip (and, since I blend with the color of his reverse side, he cannot see where my paws are going next).

"I have you now!" I gloated triumphantly to Pink Bed.  "You'd better turn over & face me!  Surrender!  Say 'Uncle'!"  But perhaps I underestimated Pink Bed's inner toughness.  He wouldn't give, he wouldn't turn back over ... so I took a drastic measure - I pushed him to the edge ...

I mean, I'm a fair kitty - I gave Pink Bed plenty of warning of what would happen to him if he didn't turn back over so I could sleep in him.  (I mean, LOOK at him:  surely any Pink Bed with a brain could at least fathom this potential outcome without my going into detail?)  But did he listen???  Did Pink Bed heed my well-intentioned warning?  


So ... let this be a warning to you, all you rebellious, uppity cat beds out there:  THIS.  COULD.  BE.  YOU.  SOMEDAY.

Oh ... wait a second.  How do I get Pink Bed back on the counter again?

Ha ha ... thanks, MomKatt.


  1. MOUSES! Cat beds showing cats disrespect? So glad you were able to put Pink Bed in his place. Good for you! purrs

    1. He has now been tamed but no doubt I shall have to reinforce my lesson at some point in the future .... ;-)

  2. Selina Sliders! Has a nicea ring to it!

    1. Purr-haps I could start a restaurant, Brian! We could name the MouseBurgers "Selina Sliders"!


  3. Whoa! You taught that Pink Bed a lesson he won't soon forget! Good job!

  4. That bed totally had it coming. Keep rockin it girl!

  5. You sure showed that bed a thing or two, Selina! Oh, and thank Cod your MomKatt was there. :)

    1. S'rsly ... otherwise, I'd have had to have slept on that hard ole kitchen counter!


  6. I love knocking anything off a flat surface! Maybe that's why there is always so much clutter on my human's desk... she is trying to confuse me so I won't know where to start!

    1. Do what I do, Sparkle (on the dining room table, mostly, 'cause it's always piled high with interesting crap) ... just jump STRAIGHT in the middle & work your way OUT! MOL



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