49 Inches

Yeah, we measured.

49 inches.

THAT is how high I jump when I jump from the kitchen counter to the parapet.  (See my June 5, 2012, blog entry if you're confoosed at this point.)

Actually?  It's 49-1/2 inches.  But MomKatt cautioned me about sounding too pedantic.  (This from HER.  She's the biggest pedant I know!  She fusses about misspellings on public BILLBOARDS and loses sleep over a misused apostrophe in "it's" versus "its'"!  And she's worried about ME sounding pedantic?  MOL)

ANYway ...

So ... 49.  Yeah, it's how I roll.  Let's retire that number, shall we?




  1. My peeps fuss over the whole laying and lying thing... and don't get them started on when to use 'me' versus 'I' and whatnot. MOUSES! It's enough to drive a cat crazy!

    Anywho... I think 49 inches is a lot and I also think that lots of people would round 49.5 up to 50. Fifty is even more!

    Remember how I told you yesterday that your blog post had inspired my peep to tell me 'bout the exploits of my aunties? Well, let's just say... I mentioned you in my post today.


    1. Nerissa, thank you for the shout-out about my blog! And I loved your story! I think we kinda write alike - or similarly, anyway. ;-) I like your style!

      As for the number - well, I don't like to pad/brag ... accuracy in all things!


  2. 49 inches! That is outstanding but you'll have to go some to beat this little ghetto cat. My jump from the cabinet to the top of the bookshelves is 51 inches although I hardly ever do that anymore. You are one stunning cat who's always alert and on the prowl. If you were on Twitter, they'd recruit you for #WLF.

    1. What is WLF?

      I'm content that we are nearly equals - we'd make QUITE a "super team", would we not?


  3. I'm impressed by your leaping abilities, Selina! And around here, we do not call it "pedantic" - we call it "copy editing" (which is what my human has occasionally been known to do for money... and yes, she knows this sentence is not absolutely grammatically correct).

  4. I think that is one great leap for catkind!

  5. 49 inches! That is quite impressive, Selina!

  6. Woo hoo! Selina the Wondercat!!


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