Concats To My Sisfur!

First, I want to concatulate my sisfur, Morticia, for being Catster's Diary of the Day today!  Writing really runs in our family, it seems.  It's really no wonder our typist doesn't have time to write any of HER stuff; she's busy typing for me & for 'Ticia!  (Luckily, she used to play classical piano too, so she's pretty fast on a keyboard.)  But we are both grateful for her efforts - how else could we communicate with our peeps all over the world? 

Anyway, concats, 'Ticia, on a job well-done & well-deserved!

Her Catster furriend, Manytoes, made the pic up there for her to put on her Catster page.  His furramily makes pics for everyone on Catster, it seems.  They are VERY nice (and yes, he DOES have "many toes"!  He's a blackie like Morticia & me.)

In other news, it's MomKatt's turn to house-sit & wait for the AC guy today.  I don't mind - B. is in the basement, where it's really nice & cool, and I even ventured upstairs -briefly - to MomKatt's office where she's typing this blog entry!  

But then I scooted back downstairs.  MomKat guesses it's going to take awhile for me to get used to when B. is and isn't in the main part of the house until we can find another home for her.  *sigh*

IF we find another ... no, no, Selina, you must remain optimistic.

Anyhoo, we sure hope the AC gets fixed today - MomKatt's just waiting on a phone call.  The Repair Two-Legger DID come out yesterday (last night at 8 PM!  Poor chap was run ragged nearly all over the state, he told DadKatt.)  He confirmed that it is the blower motor that's broken and he's got to have one brought up/over from Fayetteville, NC, this morning.  He lives close to us, too, and said it would be no problem to even come TONIGHT to fix it for us, if he can get the part up this way.  We thought that was very nice of him, considering that apparently a LOT of folks' AC units are not working in this critical time of heat.

The Weather Channel is calling for 104 deg. temps Fri., Sat. and Sun. in this area!  This isn't good!  The Repair Two-Legger also told DadKatt that, since we were under contract with Sears for this HVAC system, they were obligated to "keep us cool", even if that meant bringing us portable AC units to use until ours is repaired.  Sounds like a good obligation to me, don't you think?

Meanwhile, I'm getting AWFULLY spoiled having the 'rents here so much lately.  But I'm not complaining ... 



  1. Selina enjoy all the extra cuddles and kisses while your MomKatt or DadKatt take it in turns to be home.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Whoa! They better bring extra AC to keep u cool. It isn't good for a cat to overheat cos we can't sweat. Once we start panting, we need attention IMMEDIATELY! It happened to Autumn cos Gramma didn't like AC and wouldn't get one. Concats to your Sisfur. I was hoping to be concatulating the other sisfur on her new forever home but it'll have to wait.

  3. Concatulations to Morticia! Paws crossed that the humans get the AC stuff figured out and fixed soon! You can't have that sort of heat and no AC!

  4. conga rats morticia on yur a cheese mint...hope ewe getted sum sghetti ore pizza piez aza ree ward; enjoy yur day in de spotlight over ther N selina; if ewe get sum trout N put em in buckets round de houz, N put sum fans in front oh de buckets, it'll make it seem like ewe R all at de ocean.....with a kewl breeze N a grate smell !!!! happy day :)

  5. Yay! Concats to Morticia!

    We sure hope your humans get that AC fixed ... the hots are NOT fun.

  6. Tell Sears that you are going to come up to their store and sleep in their bed displays if they do not get it fixed!

  7. Concats to Morticia :)
    We purr you get your AC fixed soon !!!!
    We agree that you should enjoy all the extra Mom & Dad time :) That is always fun!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  8. Hooray for your Sis!!! I hope your A/C gets fixed too, you sure are gonna need it!

  9. Congrats to Morticia! And we sure hope the a/c gets fixed. We don't want all of you to melt!

  10. Congrats Morticia! We will go read about you. No A/C yet? Oh, dear. Maybe a fan blowing across a bowl of ice cubes would help. But you are right, Selina, extra time with the 'rents is not to be sneezed at. Purrs.

    Laura & Taffy


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