Formatting Woes

Alright MomKatt ... s'riously?  You've totally messed up my blog page!  I know, I know, you're struggling.  Google/Blogger isn't the best of platforms ... not that intuitive ... but couldja at LEAST center the title, for Bast's sake???

Do you FEEL me lookin' at you????

Honestly ... it's SO hard to get good help nowadays ... *sigh*  Maybe I should find another two-legger staffing agency .....




  1. Selina - don't steal our Mum cos although their is a glimmer of light in the recesses of her "mind" we're still trying to organise her so she knows what day it is!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Maybe I'm just a lowly human, but I don't see what you are talking about.. your format looks fine..

  3. Ok, Wait, I do see two overlapping backgrounds I didn't see the first time cause I got distracted by something the first time..

  4. I know whatcha mean about finding good help. TW isn't the answer to my blogging needs, although she does OK for my other needs. She wants to know if you even CAN center that title in Blogger. You may have to do it in Photoshop. Love that pic in the header.

  5. Well, don't look at my human - she can do some pretty good stuff with headers, but she also does annoying things like pick up kitties against their will and takes WAY too many photos of us!

    On second thought... maybe you WOULD like to take her off my hands?

  6. Well, our mom isn't much better. You just can't get good help these days.

  7. Meowliz selina N crew frum de land oh trout..we bee over heer ona full time baziz now..we leeved de "C" site yesterday. Pleez stop by, long with all yur friends heer N help yurselves ta samiches...ewe noe we all ways haz sumthin on de grill....oh, N yur page be looking good two..peace out N rock on, long live trout


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