Pink Bed Is Cheating On Me!

I *knew* it!  The little so-and-so!  You wait 'til I get my paws on him!  You just wait!  I'll bunny-kick the stuffing out of him!

Then again, it *is* Morticia & she has very powerful, very persuasive "charming" methods.  She's quite skilled in enticing things - and peeps! - to do her bidding.  Couple that with a black cat's natural ability to cast spells and ... well ...

Purr-haps I shouldn't blame Pink Bed *quite* so completely.  After all, when you're in the paws of a "pro" ...

And it *is* "'Ticia Toosday".

Meh ... alright.  I'll let it slide.

THIS time ...


PS - Meanwhile, the AC guys are coming out to fix it (hopefully) tomorrow, so DadKatt is taking another day off then to be here when they get here.  Now we just have one more night to get through.  Last night wasn't too bad but no doubt the repair-person visit will cause quite a stir amongst us felines.  It's not supposed to be as Bast-awful hot here today, and I have a nice fan blowing in the dining room to cool me in Pink Bed today.  So we'll survive.

AND Boudicca's in the basement!  You KNOW I'm happy about THAT!  Ya'll have a COOL day!


  1. Stay cool Selina and if you are very crafty get a few extra treats from DadKatt while he's a home.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Maybe that pink bed saw black cat and thought it was you. This is no weather to be w/o a/c! It probably just needs more freon. It the unit is outside, they won't even have to come into the house.

    1. No it's something called a "blower motor" - DadKatt said it was the motor that blew the air into the house. Most important part! Must have immediately!

    2. Re: your comment. I knew TW shouldn't have ordered my Christmas stamps so early. That would've been the purrfect stamp. Hmm, maybe Zazzle will have another good stamp sale.

  3. You are one cool cat Selina, just try to stay that way!

    1. Brian, I've had a nice fan blowing on me all since last night! I'm WAYYYYY cool!

  4. I'm glad the AC situation is getting taken care of - this is NOT the season to be without!

    1. No, Sparkle, it is NOT! Just like it wasn't the season in winter for our HEAT to go out a couple of years ago!

      Our HVAC system has a funny sense of timing! MOL

  5. Heat goes out in winter, a/c goes out in summer. Sigh.

  6. Pink Bed has some 'splaining to do.

    We hope that the a/c gets fixed soon without upsetting you all too much!

  7. Yeah, that's it. Pink Beddie got confuzzled. Sure. He couldn't tell the difference between you and 'Ticia? Focus your eye on him, Selina, and give him "what for".

    Purring for your AC!

    Laura & Taffy


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