Strange Sunday Conversations

(In the photo, I'm on the top, and Morticia is next to that flat shoe-thing of MomKatt's.)

Me:  What do you think, Morticia?

Morticia: I dunno ... they wear them on their feet all the time but  MomKatt says she hates 'em, that she's from the beach & I know she'd rather be barefooted 'cause she kicks these off the second she gets in the house!

Me:  Boudicca was lovin' on 'em earlier.  Are you trying them out?

Morticia:  Yes.  (*nudges shoe*)  But I think it's overrated.  Besides, look who you're talking about here.  You know Boudicca's into strange smells.

Me:  Yeah, that's not much of a recommendation.  Well, don't bother with 'em.  Aren't you glad WE don't have to wear 'em?

Morticia:  I know THAT'S right!  Besides, MomKatt would be spending most of her salary getting FOUR of these things for all of us!  MOL!  C'mon, let's go poke around DadKatt's sock drawer!"



  1. I wouldn't smell my human's shoes if you paid me in KFC!

  2. Pop hates to wear shoes but I attack his feed if he doesn't have them on. HAH! BTW, if you want to enter the Cat-O-Lymics, here's the link, We can be on the high jump team together.

    Still no calls about Boudicca, eh?

  3. We have to admit that Mom's shoes do nothing for us either!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure and JJ

  4. I like chewing on my mom's shoes...much to her dismay.


  5. You girls! We don't think much of my woman's shoes either. She always puts them away so we won't leave her a present (a hairball) in them. MOL

  6. We never bother with mum's toes or shoes.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. selina...ewe noe, a nice slice oh halibutt ina shoo will reeeeeely spruce it up sum !!!


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